



If I have a class that I want to be able to sort (ie support a less-than concept), and it has several data items such that I need to do lexicographic ordering then I need something like this:

struct MyData {
  string surname;
  string forename;

  bool operator<(const MyData& other) const {
    return surname < other.surname || (surname==other.surname && forename < other.forename); }

This becomes pretty unmanageable for anything with more than 2 data members. Are there any simpler ways of achieving it? The data members may be any Comparable class.

+1  A: 

You can use a boost::tuple or std::pair which has built-in lexigraphical comparison. Of course the disadvantage is you can't associate a method to the tuples.

+3  A: 

You could store the data in a boost::tuple, which provides lexicographic comparison, and provide named accessor functions, along the lines of:

struct Data {
    string &surname()  {return stuff.get<0>();}
    string &forename() {return stuff.get<1>();}

    // it would be polite to add const overloads too.

    bool operator<(const Data &other) const {return stuff < other.stuff;}

    boost::tuple<string, string> stuff;

I believe this is also available as std::tr1::tuple, and will be std::tuple in the forthcoming standard.

Maintaining the list of accessors is probably more manageable than maintaining the comparison code.

Mike Seymour
Interesting solution. It seems a shame to lose the named fields though as seeing the class's contents in the debugger becomes more difficult.
You can keep the named fields and use the tuple only for comparison purposes, e.g `return boost::tie(surname, forename) < boost::tie(other.surname, other.forename);`
Even better, wrap `tie` in a member function. Then you only have to maintain a single list of the lexicographical order.
Mike Seymour
Neat - I hadn't come across boost::tie() before
+2  A: 

If all members have the same type you could put them in std::vector. By default std::lexicographical_compare will be used to compare vectors.

Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
+4  A: 

tuple is a good idea, but if you want to keep having names for your member variables, it might be good enough to restructure your comparison function like this:

struct MyData {
    string surname;
    string forename;
    string var;
    // ...

    bool operator<(const MyData& other) const {
        if (surname != other.surname) return surname < other.surname;
        if (forename != other.forename) return forename < other.forename;
        if (var != other.var) return var < other.var;

        // ...

        return false; //< They are equal

Depending on your taste, you might even want a macro like #define COMPARE(field) if (field != other.field) return field < other.field; to reduce duplication. Then the function would just become a list of COMPARE-invocations.

Magnus Hoff
Maybe `#define LEX_LT(mem) if(mem != other.mem) return mem < other.mem` and then chain them as `LEX_LT(surname); LEX_LT(forename); LEX_LT(var); ...; return false;`
I like the layout of that, it's much more manageable and less error-prone than the nested-if. I'm not averse to occasional macro use, and that could be handy for larger structures, but I think the basic form is clear enough.