I'm having issues while populating a combobox using DirectStore, the combobox is as follow:
this.Combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
fieldLabel: "Name",
editable: false,
triggerAction: 'all',
mode: 'remote',
store: new Ext.data.DirectStore({
reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
successProperty: 'success',
idProperty: 'name',
root: 'data',
fields: [ 'name' ]
autoLoad: true,
api: { read: SS.MyApi.getNames }
valueField: 'name',
displayField: 'name'
The returned json is:
And the c# code that generates the json
public JObject getNames()
List<string> names = new List<string>();
JObject data = new JObject();
data.Add(new JProperty("name", names));
return new JObject(
new JProperty("success", true),
new JProperty("data", data)
The combobox is showing only one entry with "name1,name2,name3". How can i have one entry per name? Thanks in advance!