Is there any available (free) too to scan a bunch of C++ code and output a listing of all the classes and methods used? I don't need it to do anything advanced, or compile it, I just want any easy way to generate a basic list of classes/methods, so that I can compare that list to a similar codebase and see what is used in both.
Looks cool...and idea if it can do a compare? I can't find an option.
Adam Haile
2010-03-23 17:56:20
You could run a clone detection tool across both source code bases at the same tim eand look for duplicates. We've used this for copyright infringement cases.
See ClonedR for a tool that works with many langauges including C++. You can see a C++ clone detection report at the site.
Not free.
Ira Baxter
2010-03-23 22:55:15