



Any ideas how I can display an image file (bmp or png) centered on the screen as an application splash screen when running a Windows console script based on a batch file, vbscript/wscript or Python console script?

I'm not interested in a wxPython solution - that's too much overhead just to implement a cosmetic feature like a splash screen.

Thank you, Malcolm


You can surely cook it up using the Win32 API and the win32api Python module.

How about this recipe? Alternatively, this article has some C code that can be converted for invocation from Python with win32api.

Eli Bendersky
+1  A: 

A low-tech, ugly approach? How about opening an image viewer with the bitmap and killing it after some time or when the initializations are done? ;-)

You certainly have no native way of doing this in a batch file. From VBScript you could use an HTA. PowerShell has no problems of doing this with Windows Forms but wasn't on your list, though.


Try TK, it is included with python. Also, PyGtk is lighter than wxPython, but I ended up bitting the bullet and using wxPython for the same purpose recently, it is heavy, but it didn't have any affect on the script performance.
