I think I am going crazy right now. I am trying to create a spinner populated by a datatable but for some reason the dropdown list items text is not being displayed. I have looked all over and have seen other posts with people having this same problem. Can anyone help??
speciesList = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.speciesList);
spinnerCursor = nsfdb.fetchAllSpecies();
//String []cArrayList = new String[]{"dog", "cat", "horse", "other"};
String[] from = new String[]{"species"};
int[] to = new int[]{R.id.text1};
SimpleCursorAdapter locations = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.loc_row, spinnerCursor, from, to);
The spinner gets created just fine and is populated with 4 items but whenever I click on the spinner I see 4 items with no text and just radiobuttons. If I select any of them I am getting the correct selected item value but there is just no data displayed.