



We have a ejb project (which is in an ear) that shares quite a bit of code between 2 webservices. The classes that the webservices expose are in different packages but they have different names. For example

Web service1 com.d.trunk.Response WS1.process( com.d.trunk.Input );

Web service2 com.d.fwd.Response WS2.process( com.d.fwd.Input );

So this builds fine, but when we deploy and we view the generated wsdl and the generated xsd things begin to go a bit haywire. So if we look at web service 2 it generates the wsdl and xsd as we expect. But when we look at ws 1's wsdl for some reason it includes the xsd from the ws 2 and its own xsd. And its own xsd are missing key types like the Response type. Is this an issue because we have 2 web services in 1 ejb project? Or some config issue with Netbeans 6.7.1 and glassfish v2?