



I can't seem to decode this base64 string which is in the footer of a wordpress theme. I want to be able to add more to the footer.

Any help appreciated, thanks!

<?php eval(stripslashes(gzinflate(base64_decode("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")))); ?>
+3  A: 

Replace eval with print and see what it says.

The full result is:

?>          <div class="clearer"></div>
    <!-- end wrapper -->

    <!-- start Footer -->
    <div id="footer">
        <div id="footer2">
            <div id="fl">

                    <li class="home"><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/">Home</a></li> 
                    <?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>
                <div class="clearer"></div>
            <div id="fr">
<big><strong>&copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?></strong></big><br>
<small><strong><a href="" style="color: #656565;text-decoration: none;" title="Free WordPress Themes">WordPress Themes</a> by ImHosted <a href="" style="color: #656565;text-decoration: none;" title="Website Hosting">Website Hosting</a><strong></small>

    <!-- end Footer -->

Andrew Koester
Should be a comment.
Filip Ekberg
Filip is right, but it is the right answer.
St. John Johnson
@Filip I answered his question, replacing eval with print decodes the base64. Why should it be a comment? If my answer solves his problem, how does he mark a comment as the answer?
Andrew Koester
Perfect, thanks Andrew.
Sam Hursey

Sounds like a license violation: created this template, and you want to delete copyright. Right?

No, I'd like to add more into the footer. Got a problem with that?
Sam Hursey
I wanted to help you, but when I saw the source code, I was thinking that you simply want to delete the copyright notes. That's why I asked about license violation. Sorry if I offended you somehow.