




Following a question posted here about how I can increase the speed on one of my SQL Search methods, I was advised to update my table to make use of Full Text Search. This is what I have now done, using Gist indexes to make searching faster. On some of the "plain" queries I have noticed a marked increase which I am very happy about.

However, I am having difficulty in searching for partial words. For example I have several records that contain the word Squire (454) and I have several records that contain Squirrel (173). Now if I search for Squire it only returns the 454 records but I also want it to return the Squirrel records as well.

My query looks like this
SELECT title FROM movies WHERE vectors @@ to_tsoquery('squire');

I thought I could do to_tsquery('squire%') but that does not work.
How do I get it to search for partial matches ?

Also, in my database I have records that are movies and others that are just TV Shows. These are differentiated by the "" over the name, so like "Munsters" is a TV Show, whereas The Munsters is the film of the show. What I want to be able to do is search for just the TV Show AND just the movies. Any idea on how I can achieve this ?

Regards Anthoni

+1  A: 

Even using LIKE you will not be able to get 'squirrel' from squire% because 'squirrel' has two 'r's. To get Squire and Squirrel you could run the following query:

SELECT title FROM movies WHERE vectors @@ to_tsquery('squire|squirrel');

To differentiate between movies and tv shows you should add a column to your database. However, there are many ways to skin this cat. You could use a sub-query to force postgres to first find the movies matching 'squire' and 'squirrel' and then search that subset to find titles that begin with a '"'. It is possible to create indexes for use in LIKE '"%...' searches.

Without exploring other indexing possibilities you could also run these - mess around with them to find which is fastest:

SELECT title FROM (SELECT * FROM movies WHERE vectors @@ to_tsquery('squire|squirrel')) WHERE title ILIKE '"%';


SELECT title FROM movies WHERE vectors @@ to_tsquery('squire|squirrel') AND title ILIKE '"%';

One thing that may work is break the word you are searching for into smaller parts. So you could look for things that have squi or quir or squire or etc... I'm not sure how efficient that would be though, but it may help.

When you search for the film or movie you could try placing the text in the single quote. so it would be either 'show' or '"show"'. I think that could also work.



SELECT title FROM movies WHERE to_tsvector(title) @@ to_tsquery('squire:*')

This works on PostgreSQL 8.4+

Alexander Mera