




Hello there

I have a program that will calculate the minimal area taken by fitting rectangles together.

Input: Rectangles of different height and width.
Output: One rectangle that contains all these rectangles.
Rules: One cannot turn or roll the rectangles around and they cannot overlap.

I understand that this is related or is possibly defined as a bin packing problem (NP-hard). However the algorithms i found for those often set a limit on for example width. I have no such limits, the only goal is to get the resulting area as small as possible.

Any pointers on what algorithm is appropriate to get a decent solution?

+1  A: 

I'd start by skimming through http://mathworld.wolfram.com - they're awesome for stuff like this.

Second, I could envision a dopey algorithm that would put the longest (in the X dimension) box on the bottom, then the tallest (in the Y dimension) on top of it on one side or the other. Then continue stacking them in this "stair-stepped" fashion going right wards and upwards (for example go right until you can't, then go up, etc, etc).

That's probably non-ideal, and may very well give you bad results, but it's what popped to mind first.

+3  A: 

I'd recommend starting with a simple greedy approach, and seeing if that is good enough for your needs. If your input is well-behaved or small, that may be all you need--and the complexity will go up quickly when you try to do something more sophisticated.

For example: sort the rectangles by size, largest first. Add the rectangles one at a time, trying each possible position for the new rectangle. Pick the position that results in the smallest bounding box.

Another greedy approach would be to pick a starting rectangle, then repeatedly add the rectangle which results in the most dense arrangement (where density is defined as the percentage of the bounding box's area that is filled).

James Rose
I was going to suggest those two as well, but having worked on different NP problems with an initial assumption on "good" heuristic led me to experiment with what I thought would be "bad" heuristics. The results were surprising. Local minima and maxima situations occur. But I like your suggestion.
+4  A: 


Apparently this problem is harder than it looks at first. It's an interesting algorithm, since first it guesses a solution and then improves on it, so if you don't want to wait for the optimal solution, you can just run it for a set number of iterations to get an approximate solution (the longer you run it, the better the approximation).

Thanks for the link. I had bookmarked that some time ago to set aside for reading. Now I got to finally read it.