




I have introduced boost to our code base, on my machine I created a boost directory called Thirdparty.Boost and added that as an additional include directory in my Visual Studio setting, all is fine.

However I now want to check in my changes, so the rest of the team can get them. Inorder to build the code they would need to setup boost as I have (problem number 1). In addition we have a build server, which will need changing (problem 2). I have a way of distributing boost to everyone including the build server, so that's not a problem

I need a way of referring to the boost directory without changing the default settings in Visual Studio. Why don't you change it on a project level I hear you cry? The solution has over 200 projects, which would require a lot of changes.

I just wondered if there was another way?

Cheers Rich

+1  A: 

What about adding an environment variable on each of your developer's machines:


i.e. on your machine:


The MS compiler adds the value of the environment variable CL to its command line, so this should do the trick for you.


Use a property sheet.

Create a common property sheet that all of your projects can include and put the Boost include and library paths there.

You will have to change all of the projects once to have them include that property sheet, but once that is done, you can change the paths in just one place: the property sheet.

James McNellis