



I can't get 'remember' to work in org-mode of emacs.

I'm on snow leopard.

I added

(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-r") 'org-remember) to my .emacs file but when I try to use that shortcut it says: Wrong type argument: commandp, remember

So I added (org-remember-insinuate)

and when I start emacs it says: symbol's function definition is void org-remember-insinuate


GNU Emacs 22.1.1


Checking the obvious stuff...

Have you ensured that org-remember was loaded? i.e. by adding this to your .emacs:

(require 'org-remember)

And, while you're at it, have you ensured that remember can load properly also?

(require 'remember)

remember is a separate package from org, which you'll have to download. Check out the wiki page.

You'll want to ensure that the org and remember packages are in your load path before you require the libraries, with something like:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/orgdir/lisp")
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/remember")
(require 'remember)
(require 'org-remember)

Note: Emacs 22 comes with org-mode, but not a recent version. You need the more recent version in order to get the org-remember package.

Trey Jackson
I tried that and got "cannot open load file", "org-remember"but then I explicit added the path to the libraries and it worked! (add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/org-mode/lisp/")I thought they were found automatically. Thanks!
Actually I spoke too soon. That makes remember work, but now other stuff is broken such as C-c C-a to unfold all levels in file
@99miles, need more information. Without loading remember/org-remember, what was `C-c C-a` bound to, and afterwords, what is it bound to? `C-h k C-c C-a` will tell you what it's bound to.
Trey Jackson
It's not loading remember that breaks it, it's the load-path line:C-c C-a runs the command show-all which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `outline.el'.It is bound to C-c C-a, <menu-bar> <Org> <Show/Hide> <Show All>.(show-all)
@99miles Does `M-x show-all` still work? I don't see any real connection between changing the `load-path` variable to enable the loading of the packages changing how `show-all` functions. Loading the packages might have some effect...
Trey Jackson
yes, that still works. add-to-list shouldn't be overwriting any existing paths that are being loaded, right? weird
when i include the load-path line, and do C-c C-a it get: Symbol's function definition is void: org-attach
@99miles The fact that after you've done the load-path line `C-c C-a` is bound to something *different* is important (your earlier comment said it wasn't rebound). I updated my answer to emphasize the fact that the changes to `load-path` should be *before* the `require` statements. Are you doing that? If not, then you might be mixing files from the org-mode distributed with Emacs, and your newer copy.
Trey Jackson
Sorry, I just meant that it no longer worked like it used to. Yes, I have the load-path before the require. I'll look into the possibility of mixing files. thanks
i pulled all the files from org-mode/lisp/, then re-added one by one the files it complained about when i started emacs (just 2 files), and now everything seems ok so far. thanks!