
Disabling underscore-to-subscript in Emacs Org-Mode export

When I export to PDF via org-mode (C-c C-e d), any words with underscores end up being partially converted to subscript. How can I prevent this from happening? I found this article on the subject: Disabling Underscore subscript in Emacs Tex Mode However, I either wasn't able to figure out the correct elisp or it simply didn't work. No...

How to make part of a word bold in org-mode

How should i make a part of my word like, =Class=es or /Method/s in org-mode? It seems org-mode markup syntax works on complete words only :-( ...

Emacs: import a CSV into org-mode

Emacs has a very nice extension by the name of org-mode. I would like to be able to easily load CSV files into org-mode without significant grief. All I've been able to find is table-import or table-capture, which, simply put, don't work even approximately well. Note that part of my issue is text strings with a comma within them. 1,2,...

Saving the org-agenda

Hi All, I'd like to save the output of org-agenda to a text file, every time that the org-agenda is calculated. This way, I can use an external program (like ATNotes on windows or conky on linux), to pick up this text file and display it on my desktop. How can I do this? ...

emacs org-mode agenda filter by owner

Is it possible to filter agenda in emacs based on Owner property? Currently I use tags to set owner of TODO items. This way I can filter agenda by tags like this: (setq org-agenda-custom-commands `(("o" "tasks for oleg" ((org-agenda-list) (org-agenda-filter-apply ,(list "+oleg"))) ((org-agenda-remove-tags t))) ("...

How do I partition datetime intervals which overlap (Org Mode clocked time)?

I have related tasks from two Org files/subtrees where some of the clocked time overlaps. These are a manual worklog and a generated git commit log, see below. One subtree's CLOCK: entries needs to be adjusted to remove overlapping time. The other subtree is considered complete, and it's CLOCK: entries should not be adjusted. EDIT: Thi...

Emacs org-mode publishing Agenda

How do you publish the agenda for org mode? I am currently using htmlize to write just the agenda buffer, but I want it to publish all the related buffers, and link the agenda items to the corresponding locations in the other files. Is there a way to do this? ...

Setting timezone of org-mode

I'm just getting started with org-mode, and really like it so far. I work in London with xemacs running on OpenVMS based on the East Coast US. Is there any way to get org-mode to use a timezone other than the server's default? I've tried: (setq calendar-time-zone 0) (setq calendar-standard-time-zone-name "GMT") (setq calendar-daylight-...

Emacs C-h c doesn't seem to work for chords 3 combinations long?

Hi, I'm trying to use C-h c in emacs to figure out what a key combination is bound to. The combination is C-u C-c C-q, which realigns tags in org-mode. However, Emacs just tries to look up C-u C-c and then fails. What am I doing wrong? I realize I could easily look at the orgmode source or something to figure this out, but for future ref...

Can I convert a Tex file into an equivalent Org file? If so, how?

I'm in the process of writing a whitepaper, and am about half-way through. I've just realized that it would be far simpler to write this in org-mode and export to latex/pdf than writing it directly in latex-mode. Is there any way I can convert the existing work into an org mode file? It would save a lot of work I'd have to do manually. ...

How to keep indentation with emacs + org-mode + visual-line-mode?

Hello, emacs + org-mode + visual-line-mode + window resizing produce this kind of view : * My list * Some thing this is longer back to line which is really anoying * Other thing which is truncated * Sub items with blah to line I would rather prefer this : * My list * Some thing this is longer back to line which is ...

Custom Agenda View in Org Mode: Combining Dates and Tags

I would like to create a custom agenda in org mode that will show me all the TODO items with a particular tag that are either overdue or due today. However, I can't find any search function that will allow me to combine the two. Am I missing something, or am I trying to use the tool incorrectly? ...

How do I keep Emacs org-mode from splitting windows?

I'm a new emacs user using emacs for the awesome org-mode. I have links to all my org files at the top of my pages but everytime I click a link it splits my window, so I only have half of the screen estate available. How do I set it so that emacs does not split the window horizontally but rather opens up a new window for my links? ...

how to run certain elisp code after starting a new emacsclient frame?

For how to automatically evaluate certain lisp code every time starting an emacsclient, click here. My problem is different. I want to write a script that opens a new emacs frame (with focus on it) (one way to do this is to run emacsclient -c) and then run the following elisp code in that frame. (org-remember) I tried emacsclient -c...

How can I show the Org-mode agenda on Emacs start-up?

I would like the Org-mode agenda to automatically show what I have to do today when I open Emacs. The org-agenda command is interactive, so it doesn't seem to work well for this purpose. Is there a way to show the Org-mode agenda on Emacs start-up? Thanks, Conor ...

How to maintain an emacs-based knowledge base ?

I've been using org-mode for a little while, I've kept it really simple for now, with only two files : one to act as an inbox, with remember-mode another where I stick just about anything that's been processed from the inbox This is great for managing somewhat 'actionable' items, but I keep adding things of a more general nature, that I...

Saving a todo list in Emacs org-mode removes all plain text?

I started to use the Emacs org-mode for my todo lists. However, when I save my file all plain text is removed, how do I prevent this from happening? e.g. file thing 1 thing 2 Some regular harmless text I would prefer to keep thing 3 becomes: thing 1 thing 2 thing 3 Okay, I'm silly, I didn...

Org-Mode table to s-expressions

I would like to export from Org-Mode tables to s-expressions. | first | second | thrid | |--------+--------+--------| | value1 | value2 | value3 | | value4 | value5 | value6 | Would turn into: ((:FIRST "value1" :SECOND "value2" :THIRD "value3") (:FIRST "value4" :SECOND "value5" :THIRD "value6")) I plan on writing such a setup if...

Is there a solution to automatically synchronize Emacs org-mode with one of the web based todo services?

Org-mode is amazing. I like its power and simplicity. However, sometimes I need access to my tasks in places where I don't have the necessary setup. Is there a way to synchronize my org agenda with one of the better web based todo services like RTM, Toodledo or similar? It would be the best solution, because I'd run the sync process reg...

emacs: Orgmode, how to make a list from a block of lines

Hi Is there a way to covert such block of lines line1 line2 linen into 1. line1 2. line2 n. linen Using Emacs org mode ...