



Org-mode is amazing. I like its power and simplicity. However, sometimes I need access to my tasks in places where I don't have the necessary setup. Is there a way to synchronize my org agenda with one of the better web based todo services like RTM, Toodledo or similar?

It would be the best solution, because I'd run the sync process regularly and automatically on my computer and I would have access (read access is enough) to my org data through the web interface of the synchronized service.

+1  A: 

And if memory serves, org-mode has a mobile hook ... here's a snippet from the Info page:

MobileOrg is an application for the iPhone/iPod Touch series of devices, developed by Richard Moreland. MobileOrg offers offline viewing and capture support for an Org-mode system rooted on a "real" computer. It does also allow you to record changes to existing entries. For information about MobileOrg, see `').

This appendix describes the support Org has for creating agenda views in a format that can be displayed by MobileOrg, and for integrating notes captured and changes made by MobileOrg into the main system.

For changing tags and TODO states in MobileOrg, you should have set up the customization variables org-todo-keywords' and org-tags-alist' to cover all important tags and todo keywords, even if individual files use only part of these. MobileOrg will also offer you states and tags set up with in-buffer settings, but it will understand the logistics of todo state sets (*note Per-file keywords::) and mutually exclusive tags (*note Setting tags::) only for those set in these variables.

Thanks, but I don't have a mobile phone which can run MobileOrg. I'd like to check my agenda from any random computer which has net access, that's why I'm looking for a solution which can synchronize with a web application.
+2  A: 

MobileOrg is, however, limited to the iPhone at present. I am eagerly following development on a similar application for android.

+1  A: 

There is a possibility to publish org mode to HTML. If you need only readonly access it should work.

Oleg Pavliv
Hm, that's true. I haven't thought of simple HTML export. That would solve the problem, though I'm still interested in syncing with some webapp in case someday I might want to add/modify tasks too while I'm away from org.

Not totally related but org-mode doesn't work that well as an 'on-the-go' thing. The mobile-org and other services try to do this but I don't know..

I version control my org files and push them (using git) onto my personal webspace and then sync it on the various computers I use. That way, I can keep myself on top of things.

Noufal Ibrahim
+6  A: 

I have been using Org-mode with Remember the Milk quite nicely. here is my setup:

(require org-feed)
(setq org-feed-alist
      '(("Remember The Milk"
         "Remember The Milk"
         :template "* TODO %title\n  %a\n "

;;* rtm feed timer
(run-at-time 3600 3600 'org-feed-update-all)

The only problem is that I get asked for authentication the first time I start up emacs. With a bit of elisp this could be fixed, I just haven't had time yet.

Jonathan Arkell
This is very cool, but what about syncing your org files back up to RTM?
Josh Ourisman
+7  A: 

I just save my org-mode files in a Dropbox folder and then they are automatically synced and can be viewed/edited from anywhere.

+4  A: 

you could also set up org with some kind of revision control software-- I use git, and then use git to clone/pull where ever i need it.

+1  A: 

This is probably way late but Sacha Chua wrote an org to toodledo synchronization tool for emacs.
