
How do I set Org Mode Agenda default formatting in Emacs?

I want the Org Mode Agenda to have very different formatting to the rest of Emacs. How can I make this happen every time the Agenda is generated? (N.b. this is not the same question as this because Org Mode specifies different faces depending on how near a deadline is, and other information that is not given in the Agenda buffer.) Than...

Creating a "counter" in org-mode

Is there any way to have a sort of "counter" in emacs org-mode, preferably one with a target value? I'm basically looking to create a checkbox, but one that doesn't only have the possible values of 0 or 1. For example, let's say that I have a task that I need to do 10 times, for some reason. I'd like to keep track of how far along I am ...

elisp newbie question: Can't find 'filename' function definition in org.el?

I really love org-mode in emacs and want to customize a few things. While reading thru org.el, I'm finding several references to filename but can't find filename using describe-function? I'm sure there's a simple answer, but I'm just learning elisp and it's not obvious. Any insight into where filename is defined? And/or if it's not a f...

org-mode schedule weekly event for a period.

I would like to use agenda to keep track of my classes, assuming i have a com 355 class every week from march to june, <2010-03-23 Tue 10:40-12:10 +1w> this works but it schedules it indefinitely if i use, <2010-03-23 Tue 10:40-12:10 +1w>-<2010-06-23> it gets scheduled for everyday from march to june, how can i schedule this once a...

project setup emacs org-mode

Dear Emacs gurus; I would like to set up a project to be published as HTML using org-mode. I don't want to litter my .emacs with project definitions, and I was wondering where I could put the (setq org-publish-project-alist) variable. Can I somehow put it in the same dir? Thank you ...

Can't activate 'remember' in org-mode

I can't get 'remember' to work in org-mode of emacs. I'm on snow leopard. I added (global-set-key (kbd "C-M-r") 'org-remember) to my .emacs file but when I try to use that shortcut it says: Wrong type argument: commandp, remember So I added (org-remember-insinuate) and when I start emacs it says: symbol's function definition is vo...

Integrating emacs org-mode with email?

Has anyone does this successfully? I searched a lot but didn't find anything which worked. Before spending time myself, I just want to ask if someone has done this and would be willing to share it. :) For example, I would like to email the agenda to myself daily, reminders when a task is nearing deadline, etc. ...

How can I get org-mode in stickies?

I'm an emacs user on OSX (with Aquamacs) and I also like to use What I would really like is a way to use org-mode functionality inside of stickies, but I would settle for a sticky-like window. What I want: Org-mode keybindings and functionality Separate window/frame with minimum chrome The ability to make the window "Flo...

Org-mode properties for Emacs diary anniversaries?

I am trying to have the "Birthday" property of an Org-mode contact entry added to the agenda automatically: * John :PROPERTIES: :Name: John :Birthday: 5 4 1900 :END: This can be done manually for each entry using: %%(diary-anniversary 5 4 1900) John's birthday But I don't want to type the date twice. I would like to use the ...

Import CSV into Org-mode properties

I would like to import a CSV into Org-mode. Others have already asked about importing CSV to Org-mode tables. That's not what I am trying to do. I need to import CSV to Org-mode properties. For example, a CSV like this: Name,Tel,Mobile,Fax John,11111,22222,33333 should become: :PROPERTIES: :Name: John :Tel: 11111 :Mobile: 22222 :Fax...

org-mode dates in other emacs modes

Hello, I would like to insert dates in an emacs buffer like I do in org-mode (C-c .), while in a mode other than org. Is there a minor mode for this? Calendar does not do what I need, since I can "+1" a day, for instance. Thanks. ...

org-mode agenda tree view

In org-mode's daily/weekly agenda view, is there a way to display the full context of the entries? My reading of the code is that it finds the first heading above the timestamp and displays that. However, in my case, that heading is often 3-4 levels deep and doesn't make sense without the bullets above it. It also doesn't seem like ther...

[org-mode]: repeating task in every Mon, Wed, Fri at 18:00, need help with sexp.

Hello, As I had written in title, I need a little help with improvement of this sexp: * TODO remeber about thingie. SCHEDULED: <%%(or (= 1 (calendar-day-of-week date)) (= 3 (calendar-day-of-week date)) (= 5 (calendar-day-of-week date)))> Now it shows itself in the following days, but I woul...

How can I force TAB in org-mode to properly align plain lists?

When using org-mode, I frequently write plain lists using either '-' or numbers. When I move to the next line using RET then TAB, the cursor always moves eight spaces beyond the start of the line instead of aligned with the list "marker" above. This screenshot should be helpful to see what I mean... Thanks for your help, Ryan Kaskel ...

emacs exporting org file as PDF in batch mode

I'm trying to export a bunch of org mode files to PDF using emacs in batch mode. So far, only export to html seems to work. When I export to html I see the following - U:\tmp>d:\programs\emacs-23.1\bin\emacs.exe -batch --funcall org-export-as-html-batch OVERVIEW Exporting... Exporting... S...

How do you copy just the visible text from the folded state in an org-mode buffer?

How to copy org file to other buffer, if source is: ** TODO task #1 - some text for task #1 ** TODO task #2 - some text for task #2 but when you collapse all tasks it will look like ** TODO task #1 ... ** TODO task #2 ... I want to mark all tasks and copy to another buffer and it must look like a second variant. Don't inclu...

Shift-Tab produces cryptic error in Emacs

I'm trying to learn org-mode and noticed my files are folded neatly when I exit emacs. When pressing S-TAB in an attempt to unfold the entire file, I get the following error message in the mini-buffer: M-[ z is undefined. Googling the error wasn't helpful. Any idea where the hiccup is occurring and how I might fix it? I'm using Mac OS X...

How does one send S-RET to Emacs in a terminal?

In org-mode, pressing M-S-RET (meta-shift-return) will create a new TODO on a new line. This key sequence sends M-RET to emacs through my terminal. I've checked this with C-h c ESC-S-RET, which returns M-RET is undefined in the mini-buffer. I'm using Snow Leopard with Emacs 23.2.1 running in There is no option to define a ...

org mode setup problem when trying to use capture.

I was trying to use the capture as is explained in org-manual p 74. This is the .emacs file for org mode. (require 'org-install) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org$" . org-mode)) (define-key global-map "\C-cl" 'org-store-link) (define-key global-map "\C-ca" 'org-agenda) (setq org-log-done t) (setq org-default-notes-file (concat o...

Turning on auto-fill mode as a minor mode when I run emacs.

I have the following code to have auto-fill mode as minor mode when I run emacs/org-mode. (defun my-org-mode-hook() (progn (turn-on-flyspell) (auto-fill-mode))) (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'my-org-mode-hook) But, when I open the org file, I see only (Org Fly Spc): flyspell mode is on, but not the auto-fill mode is not on. What...