I have been observing that Process.HasExited sometimes returns true even though the process is still running.
My code below starts a process with name "testprogram.exe" and then waits for it to exit. The problem is that sometimes I get thrown the exception; it seems that even though HasExited returns TRUE the process itself is still alive in the system - how can this be??
My program writes to a logfile just before it terminates and thus I need to be absolutely sure that this logfile exists (aka the process has terminated/finished) before reading it. Continuously checking for it's existence is not an option.
// Create new process object
process = new Process();
// Setup event handlers
process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
process.OutputDataReceived += OutputDataReceivedEvent;
process.ErrorDataReceived += ErrorDataReceivedEvent;
process.Exited += ProgramExitedEvent;
// Setup start info
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo
FileName = ExePath,
UseShellExecute = false, // Must be false to redirect IO
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
RedirectStandardError = true,
Arguments = arguments
process.StartInfo = psi;
// Start the program
while (!process.HasExited)
Thread.Sleep( 500 );
Process[] p = Process.GetProcessesByName( "testprogram" );
if ( p.Length != 0 )
throw new Exception("Oh oh");
UPDATE: I just tried waiting with process.WaitForExit() instead of the poll loop and the result is the exact same.
Addition: The above code was only to demonstrate a 'clearer' problem alike. To make it clear; my problem is NOT that I still can get a hold of the process by 'Process.GetProcessesByName( "testprogram" );' after it set HasExited to true.
The real problem is that the program I am running externally writes a file -just before- it terminates (gracefully). I use HasExited to check when the process has finished and thus I know I can read the file (because the process exited!), but it seems that HasExited returns TRUE even sometimes when the program has NOT written the file to disk yet. Here's example code that illustrates the exact problem:
// Start the program
while (!process.HasExited)
Thread.Sleep( 500 );
// Could also be process.WaitForExit(), makes no difference to the result
// Now the process has quit, I can read the file it has exported
if ( !File.Exists( xmlFile ) )
throw new Exception("xml file not found"); // But this exception is thrown occasionally, why?