
Oracle Suite - terminate job application in HR (human resources)

I am using the "hr_assignment_api.terminate_apl_asg" API to terminate applications, with out terminating the applicant. When I run it, it does nothing, and gives no error. I run it against data with two applications (different vacancies) for the same person. The Api seems to look for the primary application (wich can not be deleted wi...

What are the trade-offs between languages that terminate statements with semicolons and those that don't??

Are there any benefits to languages that terminate statements with a semicolon (C, Perl, etc.) compared with those that don't (Python, Ruby, etc.), or vice versa? (Note to late-comers: the original title and question asked about "do you trust languages that don't use a semi-colon"; it was rewritten to be less argumentative. Some of the...

Why does .exe refuse to stop?

Hi there, I've "inherited" a legacy C#/C++ program that I have to debug. The current problem is that the .exe won't stop after I close the program, i.e. it still shows up in Task Manager. This is a problem, because it won't let me restart the program, because only one instance can run. Often killing the process doesn't work; I'm forc...

What can cause a .NET process/thread to terminate unexpectedly?

I'm trying to gather a complete listing of the reasons a .NET process or thread to terminate, even though the main() method is guarded by a try...catch clause. One such reason is Thread.Abort() (unless you call Thread.ResetAbort). Do you know of more reasons? ...

How to terminate script's process tree in Cygwin bash from bash script

I have a Cygwin bash script that I need to watch and terminate under certain conditions - specifically, after a certain file has been created. I'm having difficulty figuring out how exactly to terminate the script with the same level of completeness that Ctrl+C does, however. Here's a simple script (called test1) that does little more t...

Mac OS X equivalent for TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess,0);

I am looking for a simple and uncatchable way to terminate the Mac port of my C++ application. In Windows I was using TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess, 0); What's the equivalent command I can use with Mac OS X / XCode / GCC? ...

How can I end a Lua thread cleanly?

My situation is that I'm using the Lua (C) API to execute a script held in a string. I would like the user to be able to terminate the execution of the script (this is essential if the script contains an infinite loop), how can I do this? lua_State *Lua = lua_open(); char * code; // Initialisation code luaL_dostring(L, code); ...

When is a C++ terminate handler the Right Thing(TM)?

The C++ standard provides the std::set_terminate function which lets you specify what function std::terminate should actually call. std::terminate should only get called in dire circumstances, and sure enough the situations the standard describes for when it's called are dire (e.g. an uncaught exception). When std::terminate does get cal...

Terminate a process tree (C for Windows)

This has been asked before but I can't find a definitive answer, in code. I open a process, ProcessA (with PID 1234). This process opens a child process, ProcessAB (PID 5678). After I'm done I terminate ProcessA but I still have the lingering of ProcessAB. How do I terminate the whole process tree? What I mean, how do I make sure that ...

What is the correct way for a program to terminate its own process (Windows)

C# .NET 3.5 I have a console application that is being called by another application on the computer. This console app runs continuously, and listens for data on stdin from the "parent" process. However, when the parent is stopped or killed, the console app that it started continues. Under normal circumstances, it sits and idles wa...

delphi - terminate all the threads (TThread) on closing application

My application is a tcp/ip server, with main thread created only once & listening all the time. When new client connects, the main thread creates the new thread of TClientThread type. There is however no list of running Client threads, as that would make my app a bit complicated... is there any way to execute "terminate" method on all th...

How to end an animation early in Cocoa Touch?

I have a UINavigationController onto which I push a 'loading screen' UIViewController whilst I asynchronously connect to a server. The push is implicitly animated with that sliding effect. If an error occurs whilst connecting, I pop the loading screen controller (again animated) and display an alert to the user. All is good if I pop ...

Terminating an application programmatically using a file path in vb.net

I want to terminate an application using the full file path via vb.net, yet I could not find it under Process. I was hoping for an easy Process.Stop(filepath), like with Process.Start, but no such luck. How can I do so? ...

Knowing when all threads complete and dealing with exceptions

Hi, I am using the Executor framework to kick off several threads using a threadpool i.e newFixedThreadPool. I use threadpool.submit(aThread) to submit jobs to be executed by the threadpool and this works fine however I need to determine when all the threads are complete so that I can continue with other processing. I looked at using F...

Terminating Another App Running - Cocoa

Hey all, How can I terminate another app that is running in cooca. Let's say I have iTunes running, and I type in quit in my app, it would quit itunes. "iTunes" is just an example, it could be anything the user wants. I can open any app from my application, but I want to know how to close any app running. thanks kevin ...

NSRunningApplication - Terminate

How would I use NSRunningApplication? I have something opposite of that which is launching an app: [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplication:appName]; but I want to close one. I get an error when I debug the code for NSRunningApp which is this: NSRunningApplication *selectedApp = appName; [selectedApp terminate]; Is there so...

Xcode NSRunningApplication Terminate

Hey Everyone, I have this code: NSWorkspace *sharedWorkspace = [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace]; NSString *appPath = [sharedWorkspace fullPathForApplication:appName]; NSString *identifier = [[NSBundle bundleWithPath:appPath] bundleIdentifier]; NSArray *selectedApps = [NSRunningApplication runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier:identi...

How to properly stop a multi-threaded .NET windows service?

I have a windows service written in C# that creates a truck load of threads and makes many network connections (WMI, SNMP, simple TCP, http). When attempting to stop the windows service using the Services MSC snap-in, the call to stop the service returns relatively quickly but the process continues to run for about 30 seconds or so. The...

Eclipse : How to terminate all applications at once?

Hi, is there some way to terminate all (Java) applications launched with Eclipse at once? br, Touko ...

How do I destroy a Window correctly?

I'm programming a little game, and I set the lpfnWndProc to DefWindowProc and after that, I made a loop in that way: MSG lastMessage; while (true) { if (PeekMessage( &lastMessage, this->getWindow(), 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&lastMessage); DispatchMessage(&lastMessage); } } So how do I hand...