
Oracle Suite - terminate job application in HR (human resources)

I am using the "hr_assignment_api.terminate_apl_asg" API to terminate applications, with out terminating the applicant. When I run it, it does nothing, and gives no error. I run it against data with two applications (different vacancies) for the same person. The Api seems to look for the primary application (wich can not be deleted wi...

hr with an image thru css

Hi, I find this a pain. I am trying to get CSS to use an image when the < hr /> tag is used. I am currently using: hr { display:block; border:none; height:10px; background-image:url('img/ruler.gif'); } However, I always get a border around the image. As you can see, the border:none does nothing. I know there are alte...

HTML/CSS: One element, 1 pixel high, 100% wide, 0 images, single color, all browsers

Hi I'm looking for a way to do something which in my opinion should be super simple, but I couldn't figure it out... I want a graphical element on my web page which is exactly 1 pixel high, 100% wide and has a certain color, let's say red. It should look exactly the same in all browser and should preferably not break the semantics too ...

Styling a hr for internet explorer

Hey, in my quest to create as image light a site as possible, I'm looking to create two tone hr's. I've achieved this in modern browsers, but want to achieve the same effect in ie6 and 7. The current code I am using is hr { border-bottom:1px solid #FFFFFF; border-top:1px solid #dcdcdc; clear:both; height:0; bo...