I'm maintaining a CMS where I have this feeling it was made in the age of dinosaurs (Asp.net 1.0?) and decided to upgrade it with Asp.Net MVC and jQuery. But I have some problems regarding the design/specifications of the CMS which I cannot change.
The CMS uses JavaScript. Alot. As in "I don't load pages, I request new pages using Ajax and render the information using javascript" alot.
Not to mention the animations, the weird horizontal apresentation of structures... anyways, besides the first page (that is the login page) every other "page" is just data requested from a WebService that comes with the website.
Would MVC have any problems with this design?
The Database
The database is in a SQL Server 2k8 and, like the CMS, this part is also... interesting.
Basically, the user can create data structures using metadata (and saved on the Structure table). These structures are saved on tables that are created (and regenerated when changed) at runtime using said metadata.
I don't know how I would implement this part in MVC.
The question is, can and should I convert this project to MVC?
Any tips regarding the metadata and overuse of ajax?
Wyatt Barnett told me to run, and I agree. I really, really want to run away.
Unfortunately I can't, I need this job. * sigh *