I am trying to use the code from Microsoft for an Async Socket connection. It appears the listener runs in the main thread locking the GUI. I am new at both socket connections and multi-threading all at the same time. Having a hard time getting my mind wrapped around this all at once.
The code used is at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fx6588te.aspx Using this example, how can I move the listener to its own thread?
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Data buffer for incoming data.
Dim bytes() As Byte = New [Byte](1023) {}
' Establish the local endpoint for the socket.
Dim ipHostInfo As IPHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName())
Dim ipAddress As IPAddress = ipHostInfo.AddressList(1)
Dim localEndPoint As New IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 11000)
' Create a TCP/IP socket.
Dim listener As New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)
' Bind the socket to the local endpoint and listen for incoming connections.