Has anyone tried to develop an android app on windows 7? It says that it isn't a supported OS, but sometimes that doesn't stop people from trying to develop on it anyways.
I develop on Windows 7 64bit, using a 32bit Eclipse and 32bit Java. Everything works fine.
Everything works fine, including USB debugging. I'm using Win7 64bit, and 32bit Eclipse/Java. I've used the device emulator, and also ran/debugged code on a Motorola Droid.
Also developing on Win7 64bit with 32bit Java and 32 bit Eclipse. No issues.
I also develop in Win7, 64-bit. Biggest issue in setup was making sure that you got the 32bit installers for Java, Eclipse, Android, etc. At first I had 64-bit Java and 32-bit eclipse, which was like Cats and Dogs.
Same setup as everybody else...64bit win7, 32-bit java/eclipse, and it works without any headaches at all.
I have Win7 Ult 64bit, and Eclipse 32bit no current problems.
Initially, I did run into a little problem, but resolved it by installing x64 Java.
See (from my blog): http://www.spong.org/2010/01/android-sdk-issue-on-windows-7-x64.html
Related SO post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1919340/android-sdk-setup-under-windows-7-pro-64-bit
I have Win 7 Starter 32bit and develop just fine. Yeah, it's a netbook with 1Gb RAM :) loaded with Eclipse, Microchip IDE (microcontollers development)