So I've created another solution using pieces of both yuk and gnovice's solution. As I played around with the solution I realized I would really like to be able to use the output as "subplots" and be able to change the color of letters arbitrarily.
Since yuk used programitically placed axes objects with the letter embedded it would have been very annoying (although not impossible) to modify his code to plot into an arbitrary axes object. Since gnovice's solution read the letters from a pre-created file it would have been difficult to modify the code to run against arbitrary color schemes or letter choices. So my solution uses the "letter generation" code from yuk's solution and the "image superimposing" method from gnovice's solution.
There is also a significant amount of argument parsing and checking. Below is my combined solution ... I'm including it only for completeness, I obviously can't win my own bounty. I'll let the community decide the award and give the bounty to whoever has the highest rating at the end of the time-limit ... in the event of a tie I'll give it to the person with the lowest rep (they probably "need" it more).
function [npos, handle] = SeqLogoFig(SEQ, varargin)
% SeqLogoFig
% A function which wraps around the bioinformatics SeqLogo command
% and creates a figure which is actually a MATLAB figure. All
% agruements for SEQLOGO are passed along to the seqlogo calculation.
% It also supports extra arguements for plotting.
% [npos, handle] = SeqLogoFig(SEQ);
% SEQ A multialigned set of sequences that is acceptable
% npos The positions that were actually plotted
% handle An axis handle to the object that was plotted.
% Extra Arguements:
% 'CUTOFF' A bit-cutoff to use for deciding which columns to
% plot. Any columns that have a MAX value which is
% greater than CUTOFF will be provided. Defaults to
% 1.25 for NT and 2.25 for AA.
% 'TOP-N' Plots only the top N columns as ranked by thier MAX
% bit conservation.
% 'AXES_HANDLE' An axis handle to plot the seqlogo into.
% 'INDS' A set of indices to to plot. This overrides any
% CUTOFF or TOP-N that were provided
%% Parse the input arguements
ALPHA = 'nt';
MAX_BITS = 2.5;
RES = [200 80];
CUTOFF = [];
TOPN = [];
rm_inds = [];
colors = [];
handle = [];
npos = [];
for i = 1:2:length(varargin)
if strcmpi(varargin{i}, 'alphabet')
ALPHA = varargin{i+1};
elseif strcmpi(varargin{i}, 'cutoff')
CUTOFF = varargin{i+1};
%we need to remove these so seqlogo doesn't get confused
rm_inds = [rm_inds i, i+1]; %#ok<*AGROW>
elseif strcmpi(varargin{i}, 'colors')
colors = varargin{i+1};
rm_inds = [rm_inds i, i+1];
elseif strcmpi(varargin{i}, 'axes_handle')
handle = varargin{i+1};
rm_inds = [rm_inds i, i+1];
elseif strcmpi(varargin{i}, 'top-n')
TOPN = varargin{i+1};
rm_inds = [rm_inds i, i+1];
elseif strcmpi(varargin{i}, 'inds')
npos = varargin{i+1};
rm_inds = [rm_inds i, i+1];
if ~isempty(rm_inds)
varargin(rm_inds) = [];
if isempty(colors)
colors = GetColors(ALPHA);
if strcmpi(ALPHA, 'nt')
MAX_BITS = 2.5;
elseif strcmpi(ALPHA, 'aa')
MAX_BITS = 4.5;
if isempty(CUTOFF)
%% Calculate the actual seqlogo.
wm = seqlogo(SEQ, varargin{:}, 'displaylogo', false);
%% Generate the letters
letters = wm{1};
letter_wins = cell(size(letters));
[~, loc] = ismember(letters, colors(:,1));
loc(loc == 0) = size(colors,1);
clr = cell2mat(colors(loc, 2)); % corresponding colors
for t = 1:numel(letters)
hf = figure('position',[200 200 100 110],'color','w');
ha = axes('parent',hf, 'visible','off','position',[0 0 1 1]);
ht = text(50,55,letters(t),'color',clr(t,:),'units','pixels',...
F = getframe(hf); % rasterize the letter
img = F.cdata;
m = any(img < 255,3); % convert to binary image
m(any(m,2),any(m,1))=1; % mask to cut white borders
letter_wins{t} = reshape(img(repmat(m,[1 1 3])),[sum(any(m,2)) sum(any(m,1)) 3]);
%% Use the letters to generate a figure
%create a "image" that will hold the final data
wmat = wm{2};
if isempty(npos)
if isempty(TOPN)
npos = find(any(wmat>CUTOFF,1));
[~, i] = sort(max(wmat,[],1), 'descend');
npos = sort(i(1:TOPN));
fig_data = 255*ones(RES(1), RES(2)*(length(npos)+1)+length(npos)*2,3);
bitscores = linspace(0, MAX_BITS, size(fig_data,1));
tick_pos = zeros(length(npos),1);
% place images of letters
for i=1:length(npos)
[wms idx] = sort(wmat(:,npos(i)), 'descend'); % largest on the top
bits = [flipud(cumsum(flipud(wms))); 0];
let_data = letter_wins(idx(wms>0));
for s=1:length(let_data)
start_pos = find(bitscores>=bits(s),1);
end_pos = find(bitscores<=bits(s+1),1, 'last');
if isempty(start_pos) || isempty(end_pos) || end_pos > start_pos
img_win = imresize(let_data{s}, [start_pos-end_pos, RES(2)]);
fig_data(start_pos-1:-1:end_pos, (i*RES(2)-RES(2)*.5:i*RES(2)+RES(2)*.5-1)+2*i,:) = img_win;
tick_pos(i) = i*RES(2)+2*i;
if ~isempty(handle)
image(handle,[0 size(fig_data,2)], [0 MAX_BITS],fig_data./255)
handle = image([0 size(fig_data,2)], [0 MAX_BITS],fig_data./255);
set(gca, 'ydir', 'normal', 'xtick', tick_pos, ...
'userdata', tick_pos, 'xticklabel', npos);
function colors = GetColors(alpha)
% get the standard colors for the sequence logo
if strcmpi(alpha, 'nt')
colors = cell(6,2);
colors(1,:) = {'A', [0 1 0]};
colors(2,:) = {'C', [0 0 1]};
colors(3,:) = {'G', [1 1 0]};
colors(4,:) = {'T', [1 0 0]};
colors(5,:) = {'U', [1 0 0]};
colors(6,:) = {'', [1 0 1]};
elseif strcmpi(alpha, 'aa')
colors = cell(21,2);
colors(1,:) = {'G', [0 1 0]};
colors(2,:) = {'S', [0 1 0]};
colors(3,:) = {'T', [0 1 0]};
colors(4,:) = {'Y', [0 1 0]};
colors(5,:) = {'C', [0 1 0]};
colors(6,:) = {'Q', [0 1 0]};
colors(7,:) = {'N', [0 1 0]};
colors(8,:) = {'A', [1 165/255 0]};
colors(9,:) = {'V', [1 165/255 0]};
colors(10,:) = {'L', [1 165/255 0]};
colors(11,:) = {'I', [1 165/255 0]};
colors(12,:) = {'P', [1 165/255 0]};
colors(13,:) = {'W', [1 165/255 0]};
colors(14,:) = {'F', [1 165/255 0]};
colors(15,:) = {'M', [1 165/255 0]};
colors(16,:) = {'D', [1 0 0]};
colors(17,:) = {'E', [1 0 0]};
colors(18,:) = {'K', [0 0 1]};
colors(19,:) = {'R', [0 0 1]};
colors(20,:) = {'H', [0 0 1]};
colors(21,:) = {'', [210/255 180/255 140/255]};
error('SeqLogoFigure:BADALPHA', ...
'An unknown alphabet was provided: %s', alpha)
I've submitted this to the Mathworks FileExchange ... when its approved I'll post a link.
The only nagging annoyance I have is that as it creates the letter images it displays little figure windows in rapid speed. If anyone knows a trick that could get avoid that I'd love to hear it.
EDIT: Mathworks has approved my submitted file ... you can download it at the FileExchange here: