I have a php class that generates a map image depending on my db data. It is periodically updated thru a serInterval loop.
I am trying to update it with no flickering but I just can't. I've tried different methods (preloader, imageswitcher) with no success.
//first load
function map() {
$("#map").html("<img src=map.php?randval="+Math.random()+">");
//update it from setInterval calls
function updatemap() {
$("#map").fadeOut(function() {
$(this).load(function() { $(this).fadeIn(); });
$(this).attr("src", "map.php?randval="+Math.random());
Is there any way to update the image with no flickering at all? I would prefer an inmediate swap insteado of a fade.
The problem I'm having is that after calling updatemap() the image just dissapears. ¿Maybe it is a problem with the attribute src I am parsing?
THanks for your help.