




I got a problem with my Richfaces application. I am using it with JSF and GlassFish v.2 on my localhost and combination od dataTable and dataScroller works fine.

While moving the app to the VPS running Tomcat but proxied by Nginx server, everything crashes. Exactly the scroller is working, but the dataTable view is not refreshed!

I looked at responses with Firebug and figured out, that even on VPS the response contains 2nd page of the dataTable, but it is not shown on the screen. I tried everything - changing page attribute of dataScroller (it was taken from session bean, I changed that to request bean). I also removed page attribute from dataScroller - did not help either. Finally I added my table to reRender attribute of dataScroller - still whichever page I choose I am seeing only the first one. Does anyone even heard about such problem? I am going crazy with this.

Best regards, Michael