



Hi there.

I'm packaging my open-source non-commercial java application in a .jar and I'd like to package the JDBC mysql-connector with it as it is a dependency.

The issue that I am having is that I'm uncertain whether or not this is frowned upon or even illegal due to the JDBC license. I've also got the jdbc mysql-connector jar in my code repository.


Has anyone been in the same situation? Thanks in advance.

+2  A: 

This email looks a little old but according to,36799,36827, mysql-connector-j is licensed under GPL.

matt b
I'm having a hard time understanding these 20 page long license texts. If the connector is under GPL, does this mean I am not allowed to package the connector inside of my jar?
@John yes, but you must follow the terms of the GPL. This is a pretty good exploration of what that means:
Sean Owen
Thanks Matt. Now that's an explanation I can wrap my head around :-)
+1  A: 

Expanding on @matt b's answer and your comment above: given that MySQL Connector/J may be redistributed under the terms of the GPL and you haven't yet chosen a license, one simple expedient would be to license your own code the same way.

Fine print: I am not a lawyer.
