Hi, Can you tell me what is returned by glm$residuals and resid(glm) where glm is a quasipoisson object. e.g. How would I create them using glm$y and glm$linear.predictors.
n missing unique Mean .05 .10 .25 .50 .75 .90 .95
37715 10042 2174 -0.2574 -2.7538 -2.2661 -1.4480 -0.4381 0.7542 1.9845 2.7749
lowest : -4.243 -3.552 -3.509 -3.481 -3.464 highest: 8.195 8.319 8.592 9.089 9.416
n missing unique Mean .05 .10 .25
37715 0 2048 -2.727e-10 -1.0000 -1.0000 -0.6276
.50 .75 .90 .95
-0.2080 0.4106 1.1766 1.7333
lowest : -1.0000 -0.8415 -0.8350 -0.8333 -0.8288 highest: 7.2491 7.6110 7.6486 7.9574 10.1932