




I have a bunch of MP3 metadata in couchDB. I want to return every album that is in the MP3 metadata, but no duplicates.

A typical document looks like this:

   "_id": "005e16a055ba78589695c583fbcdf7e26064df98",
   "_rev": "2-87aa12c52ee0a406084b09eca6116804",
   "name": "Fifty-Fifty Clown",
   "number": 15,
   "artist": "Cocteau Twins",
   "bitrate": 320,
   "album": "Stars and Topsoil: A Collection (1982-1990)",
   "path": "Cocteau Twins/Stars and Topsoil: A Collection (1982-1990)/15 - Fifty-Fifty Clown.mp3",
   "year": 0,
   "genre": "Shoegaze"
+4  A: 

Have a look at View Cookbook for SQL Jockeys

And search for Get Unique Values (SELECT DISTINCT field FROM table)

+1  A: 

I believe your map/reduce would look something like:

function map(doc) {
    emit(doc.album, null);

function reduce(key, values) {
    return null;

Remember to query with the extra parameter group=true

David Wolever
Could you please explain where the magic is in returning unique values?
Blaine LaFreniere
Sure. Remember that the `map` function accepts one document and calls `emit` on `(key, value)` pairs. Because we only care about the album - nothing else - we only emit that. Then, for each *distinct* key, CouchDB will call `reduce(key, values)` and use that as the result of your query (again, we simply return `null` from `reduce` because we don't care about the value).
David Wolever
Does that help?
David Wolever
I think you'll also want to run this query with group=true
Excellent. Worked beautifully. Thanks for the explanation, David.
Blaine LaFreniere