I need to write some data to SQL Server database from Linux in C++.
I found this sqlapi.com
But I think, at first ODBC driver has to be installed and has to work.
I folowed this adminlife.net/allgemein/mssql-zugriff-unter-debian-etch-mit-unixodbc-und-freetds/ or this http://b.gil.megiteam.pl/2009/11/linux-odbc-to-mssql/
But it didn't work. The port 1433 seems to be closed ($ sudo nmap -PN -sU -p 1433 -> port "filtered")
isql -v sqlexpress sa -> wait with no response or get "couldn't connect to sql"
From other PC with Windows I have no problem to write data in SQL Server, so server should be right configured to remote access.
Any ideas?