



I'm trying to debug an Eclipse plug-in when it is running in another language (japanese).

The problem I'm encountering is: I can't get the Eclipse debugger to run another Eclipse instance in another language.

I've got all my strings externalized to resource bundles ... and, when the plug-in is installed in Eclipse on a machine that has it's default language set to Japanese, it runs OK ... but there are a few problems that I need to resolve.

I've tried setting the Eclipse -nl parameter to ja_JP along with '-Duser.language=ja' on the VM arguments, but every time Eclipse is launched, everything is in English.

Any suggestions on how I can get the debugger to launch the Eclipse instance in Japanese?


You should give the -nl parameter in the Program arguments, not VM args. (In the Arguments tab of the launch configuration)

Prakash G. R.
Yeah, that's what I did ... the -nl arg was on the program arguments, the various -D properteis on the VM arguments.