How to set vim to not indent namespace content in C++?
namespace < identifier >
< statement_list > // Unwanted indentation
Surprisingly, 'cinoptions' doesn't provide a way to edit namespace content indentation.
How to set vim to not indent namespace content in C++?
namespace < identifier >
< statement_list > // Unwanted indentation
Surprisingly, 'cinoptions' doesn't provide a way to edit namespace content indentation.
cpp.vim will solve your problem, but if you don't want the full-blown Google coding style then just take a peek at the plugin source and see how it handles namespaces. It's super simple:
function! IndentNamespace()
let l:cline_num = line('.')
let l:pline_num = prevnonblank(l:cline_num - 1)
let l:pline = getline(l:pline_num)
let l:retv = cindent('.')
while l:pline =~# '\(^\s*{\s*\|^\s*//\|^\s*/\*\|\*/\s*$\)'
let l:pline_num = prevnonblank(l:pline_num - 1)
let l:pline = getline(l:pline_num)
if l:pline =~# '^\s*namespace.*'
let l:retv = 0
return l:retv
setlocal indentexpr=IndentNamespace()
In essence all you do is match the last non-blank line against /^\s*namespace/
, and if it matches return 0 (as the indent position for indentexpr
); otherwise return Vim's builtin cindent mechanism's value.
I essentially stole the code from the plugin, stripped anything that isn't namespace-related and renamed the indent function to IndentNamespace()
. Save this as ~/.vim/indent/cpp.vim.
I've configured vim to not indent for the namespace. These are the relevant lines in my vimrc:
autocmd Filetype cpp set shiftwidth=2
set cino=>2(0^-2g0h2
Frankly, I don't remember how to interpet the cino
statement, but :help cinoptions
should help in deciphering it. One caveat: I think it's configured to not indent when using a format like so:
namespace foo
{ // <- curly bracket on next line
namespace foo { // <- same line
Since I put the curly bracket on the next line exclusively for namespaces, it does what I want, but it might not work if you use that style for other function declarations, for, etc.