I didn't see it in the help but I figure it's possible. Also how do I find out what email address to use?
What do I write in the email to assign it to someone, how will it handle attachments?
2008-10-31 21:22:08
I don't remember exactly since I haven't used FogBugz in a while. I remember it was supposed to have a "smart" filter and would sort automatically based on the subject. Since the question is specific to FogBugz, I'd check the FogBugz forums at http://support.fogcreek.com/?fogbugz
Jonathan S.
2008-11-03 14:24:23
It will handle attachments. Who the email gets assigned to depends on how the mailbox is set up in FogBugz.
Joel Spolsky
2009-02-24 16:10:32
As @Jonathan said, you must first setup a mailbox for the project. See his link for details. Then you simply forward to the address you created for the project. We typically use addresses like product-support@company.com.
Keith G
2008-12-02 17:15:24
If you're using FogBugz-on-Demand, chances are you have a cases@<your-account-name>.fogbugz.com address that already works.
Matt Miller
2009-01-10 01:58:49