



I didn't see it in the help but I figure it's possible. Also how do I find out what email address to use?

+4  A: 

Have you looked here?

Jonathan S.
What do I write in the email to assign it to someone, how will it handle attachments?
I don't remember exactly since I haven't used FogBugz in a while. I remember it was supposed to have a "smart" filter and would sort automatically based on the subject. Since the question is specific to FogBugz, I'd check the FogBugz forums at
Jonathan S.
It will handle attachments. Who the email gets assigned to depends on how the mailbox is set up in FogBugz.
Joel Spolsky
+1  A: 

As @Jonathan said, you must first setup a mailbox for the project. See his link for details. Then you simply forward to the address you created for the project. We typically use addresses like

Keith G
+2  A: 

If you're using FogBugz-on-Demand, chances are you have a cases@<your-account-name> address that already works.

Matt Miller