



I have a WSDL file defining a service that I have to implement in WCF. I had read that I could generate the proxy using svcutil from the WSDL file, and that I could then use the generated interfaces to implement the service.

Unfortunately, I can't quite seem to find a way to have the interfaces contain the correct attributes to expose the contracts.

All operations have the "OperationContractAttribute" attribute, but it appears as though for the service to be exposed, I require the "OperationContract" for each one. Same thing with "ServiceContractAttribute" and "ServiceContract", and I imagine DataContract, but I haven't gotten that far.

I could manually make these changes, but I would much prefer a technique where the existing code could be easily used, or better code could be generated for my uses. Is there some way that this can be done?



Issue on Microsoft Connect

Command used:

svcutil ObjectManagerService.wsdl /n:*,Sample  /o:ObjectManagerServiceProxy.cs /nologo

Code sample:

public interface ObjectManagerSyncPortType

    // CODEGEN: Generating message contract since the operation createObject is neither RPC nor document wrapped.
    [System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(Action="", ReplyAction="*")]
    Sample.createObjectResponse1 createObject(Sample.createObjectRequest1 request);
    // ...

As best as I can tell/see the WSDL file is entirely self-contained and requires no additional XSD files.

+1  A: 

I don't see any problem with the code that was generated, really:

public interface ObjectManagerSyncPortType

    // CODEGEN: Generating message contract since the operation createObject is neither RPC nor document wrapped.
    [System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(Action="", ReplyAction="*")]
    Sample.createObjectResponse1 createObject(Sample.createObjectRequest1 request);

This is absolutely, totally valid code - try it! I'm pretty sure it runs.

All operations have the "OperationContractAttribute" attribute, but it appears as though for the service to be exposed, I require the "OperationContract" for each one.

Using [OperationContract] is just a short-hand notation (which is true and valid and useable for any .NET attribute, really - nothing special about the WCF attributes here) and is 100% equivalent to [OperationContractAttribute]. I don't see any issues there.

It seems that the (Action="", ReplyAction="*") part is the thing that is messing things up, but I don't really understand why. If I delete that from the interface, and just have [OperationContractAttribute], the operation shows up fine in the WSDL when visiting the service, otherwise it isn't visible.

So it turns out that ReplyAction="*" is the culprit. Thanks for help though.

@chtmd: could you please report this on Connect, at Once you're done, edit this answer to include the link to the Connect bug report so we can vote on how important we feel a fix would be.
John Saunders
I created the issue and added the link above.