



I am looking for the algorithm (or combo) that would allow someone to find new longtail PPC search phrases based on say one corekeyword.

Eg #1 word word corekeyword eg #2 word corekeyword word

Google search tool allows a limited number vertically - mostly of eg#1 ( I also know of other PPC apps that allow more volume than google adwords keyword tool, But I want to find other combos that mention the corekeyword & then naturally sort for the highest volume searched.

Working example of exact match: corekeyword: copywriter (40,500 searches a month) google will serve up: become a copywriter (480 searches globally/month in english) But if I specifically look up: How to become a copywriter (720 searches a month) This exact longtail keyword phrase has 300 more searches than the 3 word version spat out by google.

I want the algorithm to find any other highly search exact longtials like: how to become a copywriter Simply because it was save significant $ finding other longtail keywords after your campaign has been running an made google lots of money.

I don't want a concantenation algorithm (I already have one of those), because hypothetically, I don't know what keywords will be that I want to find.

Any gurus out there?



I don't know if this is so much an algorithm problem as a putting-yourself-in-your-potential-customer's-shoes problem.

What need does your product fill? What question would someone be asking that your product can answer?

There are some good search terms right there.

John at CashCommons