Just a little adjustement fors those who come later:
The equality operator generate a unknow value when there is a null
and the unknown value is treated a false.
Not (unknown) is unknown
In the example below I'll try to say if a couple (a1, b1) is equal to (a2, b2).
Note that each columns has 3 values 0, 1 and NULL.
DECLARE @t table (a1 bit, a2 bit, b1 bit, b2 bit)
Insert into @t (a1 , a2, b1, b2)
values( 0 , 0 , 0 , NULL )
case when (
(a1=a2 or (a1 is null and a2 is null))
and (b1=b2 or (b1 is null and b2 is null))
case when not (
(a1=a2 or (a1 is null and a2 is null))
and (b1=b2 or (b1 is null and b2 is null))
'not Equal'
case when (
(a1<>a2 or (a1 is null and a2 is not null) or (a1 is not null and a2 is null))
or (b1<>b2 or (b1 is null and b2 is not null) or (b1 is not null and b2 is null))
from @t
Note that here we expect results :
- Equal to be null
- not equal to be not
- different to be difFerent
but we get another result
- Equal is null OK
- Not Equal is null ???
- Different is different