



My punched card looks like this:

*     *    *        *    *
*          *    *        *
      *    *    *
      *    *    *    *
*     *    *        *    *
*          *    *        *

My website looks OK on explorer, but on Chrome it's terrible. ideas?

+9  A: 

From the look of things you haven't set the doctype correctly. Have you got some sticky-tape handy?

Noon Silk
+3  A: 

Chrome is more strict about the standard orientation parameters. Try face-down, 9-edge forward.

Jim Lewis
+63  A: 

You've got a security HOLE there...

You beat me to the punch.
Rafał Dowgird
Ungh. Surrounded by cards.
Dave Jarvis
+31  A: 

It's a simple fix. What you need to do is this:

*     *    *        *    *
*          *    *        *
   *  *    *    *  *
      *    *    *    *
*     *    *        *    *
*          *    *        *
Alex - Aotea Studios
Note: You've got a spelling error on line 4.
Noon Silk
You should also check for * after * or Firefox will thrown an error.
silky: That's only one line
Could you add some semicolons or some other character as an end of line-marker? I'm trying to copy this to paper to see if it actually work, but I'm unsure how long lines I should have on my paper.
With punchcards there is no need for an end of line marker.Just make sure you use 80 columns.
Don Roby
+14  A: 

One of your holes looks mis-punched, it is probably being interpreted as half a bit.

+2  A: 

It looks fine on my Chrome 7.0.436 dev on Ubuntu 12.10 ( Tamed Tiger )

N 1.1
+3  A: 

IE doesn't support HTML5. That's probably it.

+28  A: 

You could use a library called punchQuery, it has most of the hole patterns already punched.

I just realized that "library" in this case could mean an actual library with you know, punch cards.
The meme is "you should totally drop that and use punchQuery".
hahahah <more to go>
+1, first one that made me laugh! :D
+4  A: 

Did you try re-writing in cobol?

+4  A: 

Are you sure thats your punch-card, and just not a piece of cardboard that someone stood on while wearing spiked golf-shoes?

+2  A: 

Are you using Apache? Coz I don't think it supports punched-cards. Try IIS instead

+23  A: 

You should first make sure you don't have any uncaught exceptions, like exception:hangingChad or exception:pregnantChad. These can result in undefined behavior.

I suggest using the following debugger:

alt text

ROTFL!! You really made me laugh when scrolling down...
Thanks Marc. I fixed the problematic image link.
+9  A: 

Use HTML (High Tensile Manila Laminate) version 4.0 strict. Strict cards tend to have higher quality standards to pass, and so they less likely to warp, twist, and tear during construction and use of the website.

The key to the actual construction of the site is planning, and a very steady table. Study other website designs, but not too closely as people tend to get upset if you destabilize or collapse their sites with unusual usage patterns.

If that doesn't work, you can patch it together with clear scotch tape. Colored tapes may be easier for you to track and catalog, but you'll constantly get complaints from passers by that your website isn't using valid CSS (Card Stacking Sequence), and the clear tape makes cheating the CSS standard less obvious. Never point out the patched areas, while they might strengthen the site's ability to withstand some very odd browsers, "a patchy" website tends to cast doubts on the site's designers.

I managed to get my website up to valid CSS level 3, but then a slip of the finger and it all came crashing down.

Edwin Buck

You need to contact IBM and request an updated Hollerith reader, the data is coming out corrupted and Chrome won't take it.

Paul Nathan
+1  A: 

My website looks OK on explorer, but on Chrome it's terrible. ideas?

That is quite interesting.


Clearly it's because one of your holes is misaligned (debugger says line 4, column 5) !


Explorer... That's killer.

+1  A: 

Are you sure your using standard compliant punch cards? Cards that were made before FORTRAN 77 wont' work with Chrome's new 77 parser that they are using.

+7  A: 
 * **  
 * **  
** *** 

 ** * 
 ** * 

 ** ** 
 ** *  
*** ** 


 ** * 


** ** 
** ** 
** ** 

** ** 
** ** 
** ** 

 ** * 


+3  A: 

I realise this is an old question but nobody got the answer right. The answer is Explorer uses non-standard holes that only work with other Microsoft(tm) products. Try:

o     o    o        o    o
o          o    o        o
      o    o    o
      o    o    o    o
o     o    o        o    o
o          o    o        o

As you can see, these are actual holes and can be validated as such on the W3C site.
