The manual dynamic way:
Let's say you want an array of width*height, the most efficient way is to just use a single dimensional array:
char *matrix = new char[width*height];
To delete it:
delete[] matrix;
To access it:
char getArrayValue(char *matrix, int row, int col)
return matrix[row + col*width];
To modify it:
void setArrayValue(char *matrix, int row, int col, char val)
matrix[row + col*width] = val;
Boost Matrix:
Consider using boost::matrix if you can have the dependency.
You could then tie into the boost linear algebra libraries.
Here is some sample code of boost::matrix:
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
using namespace boost::numeric::ublas;
matrix<char> m (3, 3);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m.size1 (); ++ i)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < m.size2 (); ++ j)
m (i, j) = 3 * i + j;
On the stack for some compilers:
Some compilers actually allow you to create arrays on the stack with runtime determined sizes. g++ is an example of such a compiler. You cannot do this by default VC++ though.
So in g++ this is valid code:
int width = 10;
int height = 10;
int matrix[width][height];
Drew Hall mentioned that this C99 feature is called Variable Length Arrays (VLAs) and it can probably be turned on in any modern compiler.