Why do I have to provide default ctor if I want to create an array of objects of my type? Thanks for answers
Because they have to be initialized.
Consider if it wasn't the case:
struct foo
foo(int) {}
void bar(void) {}
foo a[10];
foo f = a[0]; // not default-constructed == not initialized == undefined behavior
Note you don't have to:
int main(){
// initializes with the int constructor
foo a[] = {1, 2, 3};
// if the constructor had been explicit
int main(){
// requires copy-constructor
foo a[] = {foo(1), foo(2), foo(3)};
If you really need an array of objects and you can't give a meaningful default constructor, use std::vector
If you really need an array of of objects, can't give a meaningful default constructor, and want to stay on the stack, you need to lazily initialize the objects. I have written such a utility class. (You would use the second version, the first uses dynamic memory allocation.)
For example:
typedef lazy_object_stack<foo> lazy_foo;
lazy_foo a[10]; // 10 lazy foo's
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
// create a foo, on the stack, passing `i` to the constructor
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
a[i].get().bar(); // and use it
// automatically destructed, of course
The default constructor will be called for each object in the array. You don't have to specify a default constructor as one will be created for you.
Just make sure you don't declare a constructor with no parameters as private or protected.
Here's an example of one being created for you:
class C
C c[10];
Whereas if you make it private you get a compiling error:
class C
C c[10];
Because when the array is initialized, default constructors are called for its items.
When defining an array, you cannot specify ctor parameter, hence every object in the array must be constructed using the default ctor.
Normally, the C++ compiler will create the default ctor for you automatically. But, if you define a ctor with parameters, then the automatically creation of the default ctor is supressed, and you must explicitly write one.