Is it possible to draw a gradient in a path on the iPhone?
I'm looking for a replacement of the mac os x method -drawInBezierPath:(NSBezierPath *)path relativeCenterPosition:(NSPoint)relativeCenterPosition of NSGradient.
Is it possible to draw a gradient in a path on the iPhone?
I'm looking for a replacement of the mac os x method -drawInBezierPath:(NSBezierPath *)path relativeCenterPosition:(NSPoint)relativeCenterPosition of NSGradient.
Yes, I think so if I understand your question. It is a bit involved but here is a good example of doing it:
This is done with Cocoa and not Cocoa Touch but it translates with everything bu NSColor. You have to use UIColor instead. Basically, you have to create a gradient function and then use:
to determine the value of your gradient.
Or are you wanting to have a line with a gradient?
I think something like this will work:
CGContextAddPath(c, path);
// make a gradient
CGColorRef colors[] = { topColor, bottomColor };
CFArrayRef colors = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void**)colors, sizeof(colors) / sizeof(CGColorRef), &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
CGGradientRef gradient = CGGradientCreateWithColors(colorSpace, colors, NULL);
// Draw a linear gradient from top to bottom
CGPoint start = ...
CGPoint end = ...
CGContextDrawLinearGradient(c, gradient, start, end, 0);