


+1  Q: 

Flash Game Help

What do I need to download to make flash games and how much does it cost? Also will I be able to use a mac to do this?

+2  A: 

If you use the opensource Flex 4 SDK, then it would be free; however, if you use the Adobe Flash or Adobe Flashbuilder, then it will cost you lots of $$$ (much more than it is actually worth, I'd say). The tools all work on the Mac. I have the opensource Flex 4 SDK and Adobe Flash CS4 installed on my Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard computer. There were some minor things that needed to be fixed (I had to run chmod a+x on a few things that Adobe forgot to make executable, and attempting to alter the default install directory -- I originally tried using "/Developer/Applications" instead of the default "/Applications" -- makes the installation completely screw up), but other than that, everything has worked fine on Mac OS X.

As an aside, though, I would strongly recommend you take a look at HTML5 (see A platform game written in HTML5 and HTML5 Canvas Demos) and O3D or WebGL (if you want to make 3D games), if you are looking at developing web-based games. If you want to make games that run on the desktop, then I would suggest you take a look at Blender and Panda3D as alternative platforms for game development.

Michael Aaron Safyan
Google 03D API doesn't work on my mac my graphics card doesn't work with it, is there anything similar to it?
@mtwisterr, what kind of Mac do you have? How old is it? What version of OS X are you running?
Michael Aaron Safyan
@mtwisterr, you can look at WebGL as an alternative to O3D.
Michael Aaron Safyan
@mtwisterr, both O3D and WebGL are fairly new and experimental... but if you are just making 2D games, then HTML5's canvas should be just fine.
Michael Aaron Safyan
@Michael Aaron Safyan I have a mac book pro running os x 10.6.2 its less then a year old with a NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics card
HTML5 for web games right now? Does it even cover 50% of the market yet?
@fenomas, still beats Flash.
Michael Aaron Safyan
@Michael: For <50% of viewers, that's debatable. For >50% of viewers, it's clearly untrue.
@fenomas, check out:
Michael Aaron Safyan
@Michael, that's precisely my point. It's great, but it only runs in nightly builds of a single browser. By comparison the Flash port of quake requires Flash 9, which is on ~98% of mature market PCs.