



I am developing on a Mac with Eclipse and have the skeleton for an app that implements the standard framework callbacks (onCreate, onDestroy, onPause, etc..). When I set breakpoints in the callbacks the debugger stops and displays a tab that says "ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread $ActivityRecord,Intent)line:2477" and in the tab page body there is some red text that says "Source not found" and a button that says "Edit Source Lookup Path...".

I have tried adding several paths via "Edit Source Lookup Path..." but can't see to find the one Eclipse is looking for.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


It sounds like your program has stopped inside Android code. Often these internal errors (null pointers etc) are caused by a mistake in your code, but the error reporting isn't there, instead you get an internal crash.

However it can help a lot sometimes to view the Android source code. This can be done fairly easily.

See this:

Jim Blackler