
Debug Android Source Builds

There's documentation to build the android source code base. But it's hard to find information on how to run the android os and its applications in the emulator environment so you can test your changes. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I am unfamiliar with Linux development. ...

Android: "Edit Source Lookup Path...".

I am developing on a Mac with Eclipse and have the skeleton for an app that implements the standard framework callbacks (onCreate, onDestroy, onPause, etc..). When I set breakpoints in the callbacks the debugger stops and displays a tab that says "ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread $ActivityRecord,Intent)line:2477" and i...

Can I use android.os.* libraries in a standalone project?

I'm trying to develop an external library (not sure if that's the right term) to provide prepackaged functionality in Android projects. Working in Eclipse, I've added the appropriate android.jar file to the build path, and everything is happy both while editing and upon compilation. However, when I use Android's Handler and Message clas...

Download Android code for Contacts application.

I am trying to download Android source code for Contact,Dialer and CallLog applications from the git repository. I have tried the following on my mac(running SnowLeopard): 1. Create a bin dir and a android dir for putting all the downloaded files 2. Added both of the directories to the PATH environment variable 3. run the following comma...

Access Settings.System from framework/base code

So, I'm working inside the android framework classes (AOSP). Since I'm technically working on Cyanogenmod, I'm supposed to set the settings for my patch in an app called CMParts, which just throws the strings and ints into the system settings via Settings.System. Unfortunately, down in the framework (non application) code, I don't have...