



Does anyone know of any issues with the ILClone() function on Windows 2000? Is it fully supported? MSDN says it runs on Windows 2000 but I have a user reporting that my program will not run on Windows 2000 because of that function.

EDIT: I was able to get a hold of a Win2K system and I can confirm the issue.

Shell32.dll version installed is 5.0.3700.6705. The error message shown when running the program is: The procedure entry point ILClone could not be located in the dynamic link library SHELL32.DLL


iirc ILClone was available on Windows 5, but it was exported from shlwapi.dll, so you had to load it using LoadLibrary & GetProcAddress() to be compatible.

Chris Becke
Sweet. I'll try this and let you know how it goes.
Tried GetProcAddress() on a loaded shlwapi.dll, and also on a loaded shell32.dll, but neither worked. GetProcAddress(lib, "ILClone") returns NULL.
Apparently these functions were originally exported by ordinal.That said, while ILClone is convenient, its an easy function to write.
Chris Becke