You can't change the CFBundleIdentifier of a released app if you want to release updates for it, the App Store will automatically reject it when you upload. So...
I needed to enable iAds on an app previously developed with a wildcard App ID. Here's what I did:
I have a wildcard App ID of <AlphaNumeric>.*
which my app currently uses, and my app has a CFBundleIdentifier
of com.companyname.mygame
Created a new App ID of <AlphaNumeric>.com.companyname.mygame
Created new development and distribution provisioning profiles that include the new App ID.
Download the new provisioning profiles to Xcode and my devices.
I was then able to compile the App with the new non-wildcard distribution profile, which meant on upload I could enable iAds (or Push for you). The CFBundleIdentifier didn't change so the new compilation appears as an update to the existing app.
I can confirm this process worked without issue.