I need a checkout process devoid of a delivery and payment step (working on a store which accept cash on delivery so I need only the address step.) I am using Spree 0.10.2
Things I have tried:
In the site_extension.rb
added the following state machine
Checkout.state_machines[:state] = StateMachine::Machine.new(Checkout, :initial => 'address') do
after_transition :to => 'complete', :do => :complete_order
before_transition :to => 'complete', :do => :process_payment
event :next do
transition :to => 'complete', :from => 'address'
The unwanted steps are removed (at least visually) but when I submit the address it throws up the following error.
IndexError in CheckoutsController#update "payment" is an invalid name
Looking at the trace and couple of similar errors later, I decide to blindly override two methods from checkouts_controller.rb in site_extension.rb to do nothing (since they deal with payment I presume)
def clear_payments_if_in_payment_state
def object_params
Doing this throws validation errors on all the fields of delivery and billing address. I vaguely have a notion that I need to override a couple of methods from checkouts_controller.rb. If this notion is right then what are those methods.