
ActiveMerchant/Spree - Is there a per-transaction/per-account commission to the creators?

This is probably a silly question but if you use ActiveMerchant (or spree), do the creators of ActiveMerchant (or spree) take a commission? Since it's open source I wouldn't expect them to. But at the same time, because it's such a large undertaking to create a processing gateway, it would not surprise me if they wanted some compensation...

db:migrate order in Spree

I'm using spree and created a new payment gateway extension. The problem is, my newly created payment gateway gets created first before the core payment gateway of spree. Here's the error message. doesn't exist: SHOW FIELDS FROM gateway_options ...

Ruby on Rails FilterChain internals - how to make it reloadable?

Hi, I'd like to have a more dynamic way of working with filter chains in Ruby on Rails 2.3.2. At the moment, the filter chain is built as the classes are loaded. I have a very particular need for the filter chain to be rebuilt at some point in time after the classes have loaded. This is to do with a Rails project (Spree, Radiant may ...

In Spree (Rails E-commerce App) what is the preferred way to limit locales?

I only want to support German and English for a starter. As I see it I can easily limit this in the spree core locales.rb, or in the localization extension by simply deleting the locale files. But this doesn't quite seem right. I would like to configure it form my site extension, without basically forking spree. Can someone tell me how ...

Spree e-Commerce within Existing Application

I'm trying to setup Spree within my application (I'm open to using the Gem or running it in vendor mode). I've reviewed the documentation and the wiki and I'm still a bit confused as to how it might work within my existing application. I have no problem using a separate database for Spree and customizing my application to pass data bet...

ECommerce solution in php and ror

Hello, I'm a developer but I never used php nor ruby on rails. I would like to create a small e-commerce website. I found out 2 solutions that seems very good, Prestahop and Spree. Which one would you recommend if I want to be able to customize the skin, calculate different taxes for different countries, use different languages ... ...

<li> only visible when parent has css class="current"

I have a list of categories called Taxons: The Rails code is here: <div id="taxonomies" class="sidebar-item"> <% @taxonomies.each do |taxonomy| %> <ul class="navigation-list"> <% taxonomy.root.children.each do |taxon| %> <li<%= ' class="current"' if @taxon and ([@taxon] + @taxon.ancestors).include?(taxon) %>><%= link_...

Spree how to use Hooks

According to http://spreecommerce.com/documentation/theming.html#hooks you should be able to use spree hooks using my_theme_hooks.rb but how? Do I need to extend a class and where can I check which hooks are used in the default theme? ...

can't activate rack problem while install spree commerce

I install spree version 0.9.4 with gem install spree and run a set up command spree mystore and get this errors messages. Have anybody experienced this whether in spree or not ? D:\Workspaces>spree mystore C:/Program Files/BitNami RubyStack/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:280:i n `activate': can't activate rack (>= 1.0.1, runtim...

'load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant Encoding (NameError)

I just can't seem to find where the error is or correct it. Everything works well on my Windows env but it's giving me this problem on the linux env. Perhaps it has to do with the different versions but they are the same, 0.9.4 yet I have constantly detected some anomaly when you install Spree in linux. If you type in "gem list" you d...

How to overwrite/extend existing spree classes in app/models?

Hey guys, I want to extend Class Role such that I can add more roles to the roles table in Spree. My application would have different prices based on roles. By default roles have: ("admin" and "user") in it. I want to add more types to the table. Q1: Can I just extend the Role class in one of my extensions? Q2: How can I implement (ac...

Paperclip error

I am getting the following error when uploading an image on the admin panel of spree (RoR e-commerce platform): Paperclip::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError in Admin/imagesController#create /tmp/stream.4724.0 is not recognized by the 'identify' command. Any ideas? Thanks. ...

what's the most extensible/flexible FOSS e-commerce software? (or should I roll-my-own?)

I need to build an internal order entry and tracking system for a grocery store which requires many of the features of existing e-commerce systems, such as product catalog, customer_to_order relations/views, movement reporting, order statuses, etc. However, the first phase of the product is purely internal, so I don't need any online e-...

Inserting Controller Actions between Actions in Rails - Best Practices

What are best-practices (or usual-practices) when it comes to adding more steps in a process in Rails? For example, I am working with the Spree e-commerce Rails platform and I would like to add a multi-step form people should fill out when trying to "Add to Cart" a Product. The current spree implementation of adding a product to the ca...

Authenticating against a remote service using Authlogic

I need to allow users to login to spree using a non-standard authentication service. Users in my community all have accounts on another 3d party service set up for us. That service provides a web-service that takes a login and password, and returns a userId if successful. As an admin I can then query for user profile information. I've b...

Trying to do a CSV to multiple tables import with FasterCSV

I have a fasterCSV rake script but it only imports to 1 table. I am importing products and the products have several pieces of info stored on other tables. Current script: http://gist.github.com/321889 What I need to add is some way to import product info to another table at the same time. Say a category name. In this case: the ro...

Changing the checkout flow in spree-0.10.2.

I need a checkout process devoid of a delivery and payment step (working on a store which accept cash on delivery so I need only the address step.) I am using Spree 0.10.2 Things I have tried: In the site_extension.rb added the following state machine Checkout.state_machines[:state] = StateMachine::Machine.new(Checkout, :initial ...

spree extension: changing testing environment from rspec to shoulda and machinist

i have a spree app generated and a few extensions. now i´d like to test these extensions with shoulda and machinist, and without rspec. somebody an idea how to change the testing environment for the extensions without changing the spree core testing environment? mattherick ...

Getting spree cart to play nicely with rspec & cucumber

Just setting up spree and wondering how best to setup the project so I can use cucumber and rspec. Thanks evolve ...

Understanding this Rails helper

This is a helper method I found in the ruby on rails application spree commerce. I'm trying to better understand what's going on here, particularly with the capture() method on line 12, which I've never seen before. If there is a block given, it captures it, otherwise there is no content. But where does capture() come from? what is it d...