
Validating user's API credentials - Rails, ActiveMerchant, and PayPal Express Gateway

I'm building a marketplace application that uses PayPal Express. I've got a form for sellers to input their PayPal API credentials, but I need a way to validate them by making some sort of call to PayPal. I'm using the PaypalExpressGateway in ActiveMerchant, and I don't see anything other than the standard purchase controls. Is there ...

What payment processing frameworks, like ActiveMerchant, are available for other languages?

Rails has frameworks such as ActiveMerchant and Freemium (which uses ActiveMerchant) to simplify dealing with payment processing. What other frameworks are there for other programming languages such as PHP or Python? ...

ActiveMerchant/Spree - Is there a per-transaction/per-account commission to the creators?

This is probably a silly question but if you use ActiveMerchant (or spree), do the creators of ActiveMerchant (or spree) take a commission? Since it's open source I wouldn't expect them to. But at the same time, because it's such a large undertaking to create a processing gateway, it would not surprise me if they wanted some compensation...

If you use Google Checkout, do you still need to use ActiveMerchant/Spree/some payment gateway in Rails?

If you use Google Checkout, do you still need to use ActiveMerchant/Spree/some payment gateway or does Google act as the gateway the same way that ActiveMerchant/Spree would? Also, are there any disadvantages to using Google Checkout that might be solved by using ActiveMerchant? Also, is it a good idea to offer PayPal in addition to Go...

Accepting dummy credit cards on a live site with ActiveMerchant & PayPal

I'm setting up a rails site that will accept credit cards with ActiveMerchant and PayPal Website Payments Pro. I am successfully testing against the PayPal sandbox, but need to be able to test on my live site as well. I'd like to implement a solution whereby registrations on my live site with email addresses from my own domain use the Pa...

What is the best payment gateway to use with ActiveMerchant?

I need to set up a payment solution within one of our Rails apps using the ActiveMerchant library. Although this question is highly subjective, what are people experiences with the major gateways out there (BrainTree, etc)? It must: handle recurring payments. have the ability to credit a persons account. have the ability...

How do I use a stored payment source for a purchase in ActiveMerchant?

I'm using ActiveMerchant with Braintree as my payment processor. I want to take advantage of Braintree's customer vault functionality to store credit card info. Storage goes fine, but I can't figure out the correct way to charge the credit card with the customer_vault_id. It seems very straight-forward according to the Braintree docume...

What is the best way to organize automatic payout at the website?

I have Ruby on Rails application. I can get money from users cards using ActiveMerchant. Now I need to make payouts to the some users based on application logic. For example, Get 10$ from Andrew Get 10$ from Mark Get 10$ from Mike ... application magic that finds who should get money ... Pay 30$ to Mark Generally, I can use not only...

10001 Internal Error when trying to capture an authorization from PayPal with Activemerchant

I've successfully made authorized a card, and it shows up in my sandbox transaction log. When I try to capture using that authorization (with activemerchant, which uses SOAP), this is the XML it sends to the server: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <env:Envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w...

How to void authorized transaction in gateway using ActiveMerchant

Goal: Only have successful purchases show up on a customer's billing statement. I don't want declined authorizations showing up on their billing statement (as seen in an online banking system) as pending. A customer often will accidentally input an incorrect billing address, for example, followed by a correct one. Together, the two at...

Difficult to use ActiveMerchant in a project that does not use ActiveRecord as its ORM?

ActiveMerchant seems to be baked with AR in mind. I've come to this conclusion based on the fact that the purchase() method returns an ActiveRecord::Billing::Response object: Is this correct and, if so, does this mean it might be difficult to use ActiveMerchant in a project that uses a different Ruby ORM (Sequel/Datamapper)? ...

setting tax amount in Active Merchant / PayPal Express Checkout

Hello, I need to know how to pass a tax amount to PayPal Express Checkout using Active Merchant and rails. Everything is working (completing transations) except I can't figure out for the life of me how to set the tax. Thanks for your help! ...

ruby on rails 1.2.6 and ActiveMerchant

I am trying to run ActiveMerchant gem with old version of Rails (1.2.6). And if I require active_merchant gem i get this error: config/boot.rb:17:Warning: Gem::SourceIndex#search support for String patterns is deprecated, use #find_name /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:280:in `activate': can't activate activesupport (>= 2....

Implement find(), save() ActiveRecord methods for ActiveMerchant CreditCard object

What's the best way to implement ActiveRecord's find() and save() methods for an ActiveMerchant ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard object in a Ruby on Rails application? I'd like my credit card objects to inherit from ActiveRecord and ActiveMerchant. Caveat: I understand that saving credit card information to a database is always con...

Best approach for an internationalised payment gateway implementation

I'm looking to integrate a payment gateway into a Ruby on Rails applicaton. Although i have already implemented one before im struggling to see how i can implement one which will cater for different countries. For example, if it was only a UK based app i could use a UK vendor (e.g CardStream), if it was only a US app i could use a US ve...

Paypal, Recurring Billing, and ActiveMerchant

Hello, I'm trying to research how to add a subscription based pay model on an existing site of mine, but am running into a lot of conflicting information and caused me to be a bit lost. All I need is a very simple way to set up recurring billing (per month) by credit card. I just need a simple solution, but am having a hard time findi...

Question regarding the creation of an credit_card object on Ryan bates Active_Merchant intergration video

I was going through Ryan Bates' video on Active Merchant integration video Railscast #145 and my question was regarding the creation of the @credit_card method that he defines within the Order.rb method. def credit_card @credit_card|| :type=>card_type, :number=>card_number, :verifi...

String operation in ruby for credit card number

Working on a rails project where there's an order confirmation string with a credit card number with all but the last four digits starred out. What's the proper way to do a string substitution? What's the operation to get this credit_card_number = "1111111111111111" to this? credit_card_number = "************1111" Thanks, Kenji ...

Adding credit card errors to `errors` when using activemerchant

I followed the railscast on activemerchant and have this code: def validate_card unless credit_card.valid? credit_card.errors.full_messages.each do |message| errors.add_to_base message end end end But that doesn't wrap the field in a fieldWithErrors div. So I tried: def validate_card unless credit_card.valid? ...

Recurring payment or special category. Question about billing.

I'm working on an ruby on rails app that has a special billing method. I'm creating a store where users can reserve products but will not get charged for these products until a certain amount has been reached. This amount cannot be quantified by time so I'm wondering if this is a recurring payment. However, accounts will have to provide...