activemerchant Parameters with activemerchant

I'm using and activemerchant in a rails app. When I make a purchase sends back an email with information about the purchase. I should be able to send them the billing and shipping address information and have that returned in the email, but it's not returning any of the information, obviously I've got the va...

Upgrading Cybersource SSL certificates in existing Rails application

I recently inherited a Rails site that uses ActiveMerchant for e-commerce transactions through CyberSource as a merchant gateway. A few days ago, I received an email from CyberSource informing me that CyberSource's SSL authority, Entrust, is mandating the use of higher-strength SSL certificates, and that in order for SOAP API calls to b...

Paypal recurring payment status

I’m trying to set up a recurring billing situation with Paypal using Rails with ActiveMerchant and the ruby-paypal gem. Wondering how the status of subscriptions is commonly managed - IPN? Or a cron job to check the status of all subscriptions? ...

Testing Paypal error messages using ActiveMerchant

Hello, Is there a way to test your application's processing and handling of Paypal generated credit card errors? I'd like to verify that my application can handle a declined credit card or something like that. So is there a way to have Paypal send an error message? Or would it be better to generate a stub and use it in the testing envi...

Is there an ActiveMerchant for Sinatra?

What payment gateway library works with Sinatra if you're looking to add ecommerce functionality to your app? ...

Paypal Express Checkout with ActiveMerchant as in Shopify

Hi all, I'm successfully using Paypal Express Checkout in a marketplace web app passing for every seller the three parameters to the PaypalExpressGateway (login, password and signature). So, I see that Shopify lets the seller set only the e-mail address of the Paypal account requesting to grant as the API Par...

Problem loading activemerchant using Bundler

Hi - I am using Merb. I can't seem to get activemerchant to load using Bundler. All my other gems load fine. In my Gemfile I am using: gem 'activemerchant', :require => 'active_merchant' Here is the relevant error: uninitialized constant ActiveMerchant::Billing::AuthorizedNetGateway Anyone run into this or have any ideas? Thank...

Active Merchant Paypal Recurring Pem Error Neither Pub Nor Priv Key

Hi, I am trying to use ActiveMerchant to make a Paypal Recurring transaction call. I used the patch here: and I'm stuck on this here: ActiveMerchant::Billing::PaypalGateway.pem_file ='paypal_cert.pem') I am fairly s...

Problems with API login/trans key w/ ActiveMerchant and

I'm having an issue getting to run credit card transactions from my rails app. Here is what is in my environment.rb if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] != 'production' ::GATEWAY = gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.gateway(:authorize_net).new( :login => "scrubbed", :password => "scrubbed") else ::GATEWAY = ga...

How to do recurring with bank account payment mode using

Hi All, I am using recurring facility of using active_merchant plugin in rails. there are two payment method for this 1] Credit Card 2] Bank Account I successfully done it using Credit Card For Recurring i need my Test Mode off. Also my E-check, credit card processing, and subscriptions are all enabled. But i am not...

How do you use Canadian currency with ActiveMerchant?

When I pass an option of :currency => "CAD" to the setup_purchase and purchase methods the transaction still goes through in US funds. My paypal account does have CAD as the default currency. What am I missing? ...

Multiple merchant accounts with Activemerchant gem.

I am developing a rails site that will allow a group of merchants (5 - 10) to accept credit card orders online. I plan on using the Activemerchant gem to handle the processing. In this case, each merchant will have their own merchant accounts to handle the payments. Storing banking information like that is not something I am a fan of. T...

ActiveMerchant Integration usage example?

Where can I find a complete example of ActiveMerchant Integrations usage? I can see tons of examples of Gateways' usage, but couldn't see how an Integration should be used (e.g. what do you do in the return_url and cancel_return_url controller actions?) ...

Validating "Visa Debit" cards in ActiveMerchant

How can I correctly validate a Visa Debit card in ActiveMerchant? At the moment, the card fails to validate despite it being a valid card number. I have tried using :visa, :visa_debit and nil card types. ...

Fail:(TESTMODE) Transactions of this market type cannot be processed on this system

I have created a test account with and am using ActiveMerchant to process credit card payments for a website. What error I always get is Error#*87 - "Transactions of this market type cannot be processed on this system" mentioned in ActiveMerchant documentations. Any suggestions how to resolve this error ? Following is how ...

Active merchant and Paypal API for recurring payment

Hi everyone, I have few questions on paypal's recurring payments, I went trough the paypal documentation to find some answers but, it didn't help me much. Here are the stuffs that I need to know, hope someone can help me on these. I'm using paypal's standard payment account. So far I managed to create recurring payments with paypal by ...

Merchant account options for Ruby On Rails ecommerce site

Hi, I am looking for a payment processing solution for my Rails e-commerce site, here are my requirements. Simple Rails integration, e.g through activemerchant plugin. Operates in the UK. Payments can be taken on my site (not redirected to third party) Preferably no/low monthly cost, and therefore higher transaction percentage for when...

fields_for, formtastic, ActiveMerchant, and validation errors

I'm trying to use Formtastic to create a payment form, since I'd like to use the inline errors. I'm using ActiveMerchant to handle the billing. I have the following form: <%= semantic_form_for @payment do %> <%= form.inputs do %> <%= form.input :email, :label => "Email Address" %> <%= form.semantic_fields_for :credit_card_at...

RoR - PayPal ActiveMerchant - Making a Refund

Hi All, I can successfully make a direct payment to paypal using ActiveMerchant in RoR. How can I make refund to a transaction? Thanks, Imran ...

Is it possible to do credit card payments from a heroku server using activemerchant?

I'm building an app that needs to accept credit card payments with something like active merchant. In terms of security, is it possible for it to live on heroku and use (or similar) as the payment gateway? What if it needs to store the credit card numbers? Edit Would not be forwarding users to ...