
Shockwave State Data

How can I save Shockwave state data? Can it become part of the shockwave file? Can it be saved to the Shockwave ActiveX container? Does it have to be completely external? ...

MFC and Active Document Server - how draw document in container window

I look on the one example source code. This example implement Active Document Server (SDI Window, exe-application). When i trying insert this document in any container (such as MW WORD, or IE) , comtainer open additional window and place documant in it. I want draw document inside container window. How i can make it? Probably should i re...

Internet Explorer Active X Hardware Access

This is quick question, We have a client that wants an active X embedded in a webpage that can have access ( read / write ) to a COM port. With initial tests we are able to list the ports but get an access denied when trying to read or write to them. Is there anyway to bypass this or is it a built in feature of Internet Explorer? The...

How to take a screenshot of the Active Window in Delphi?

For full screenshots, I use this code: form1.Hide; sleep(500); bmp := TBitmap.Create; bmp.Height := Screen.Height; bmp.Width := Screen.Width; DCDesk := GetWindowDC(GetDesktopWindow); BitBlt(bmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Screen.Width, Screen.Height, DCDesk, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); form1.Show ; FileName := 'Screenshot_'+FormatDateTime('mm-dd-yyyy-hhnn...

Querying Many-To-Many relationship with Hibernate Criteria API

I've the following many to many relation: File 1 --- * File_Insurer * --- 1 Insurer. I'm trying to query this relation using the Criteria API (Active Record) to get Files that meet ALL specified Insurers (Get all Files where Insurer.Id == 2 AND Insurer.Id == 3). Mapping files (parts): File [HasAndBelongsToMany(typeof(Insurer), Table =...

Ruby on Rails. How do I use the Active Record .build method in a :belongs to relationship?

I have been unable to find any documentation on the .build method in Rails. (I am currently using 2.0.2) Through experimentation it seems you can use the build method to add a record into a :has_many relationship before either record has been saved. for example Class Dog :has_many :tags :belongs_to :person end Class Person :h...

Best way to keep ASP.Net Session Active

Hi What is the best way to keep or mvc session active until user logs out? *User should be able to activate session even after browser or computer restarts... In another words, what is the best way to implement REMEMBER ME... ...

GETing different Active Resource models in a single request

Hi! Is it possible to receive objects of different Active Resource models in a single request? For example the request "GET /user/joe/articles/1.xml HTTP/1.1" returns an object from User ("joe") and another object from Article (id "1") from the server. I know it is possible to send these objects inside an array to the client, but ARes ...

Acquiring the access privileges of an active user

Hi all,I have a search algorithm that tries to resolve the location of a directory on a local drive. The directory obviously will need to access other directories present on the system if it is searching for a sub directory of one of those. However in doing this I keep getting the UnauthorizedAccessException. I would like to provide the...

WPF Browser controll will not run activeX on Vista

I have an WPF application that hosts a control. After loading I set the control to navigate to a web camera. this.WebBrowser.Navigate(this.NodeUrl); This web camera will run some active X controlls. On an XP machine in the regular broser IE7 these run fine and I see video. But the hosted browser in the WPF does nut run the active X....

a:active issue in ie6

I'm having some questions about changing the class/state of a link back to normal in ie6. I'm using a:active to change the background of a span when the user clicks on it. The target of the link is set to javascript:void(0), so clicking on the link just invokes a JS function I have. However, when the user releases the mouse button, the ...

Xcode iPhone - Base SDK, Active SDK difference?

What's the difference between the "Base SDK for all configurations" and the "Active SDK" in Xcode? ...

ORM and Active Record Pattern in PHP?

Hi, There are two things that seem to be popular nowadays and I was wondering what are the pros and cons of using something like this: ? Another thing is ORM (Doctrine for instance). What are the benefits of using these? ...

Tool which shows me which files are written in Linux?

I found in IOStat, that some part of my application is writing extensively, but I don't know which process it is and what files it is writing to. In Vista there is a tool fo that which shows the files that have been active in the last 30 Seconds. Is there something similar for Linux? ...

how do you take a snapshot of your current browser window using php

i've tried searching everywhere but there's seems to be no implementation available other than having the client use a file (batch/exe of some sort). ...

Make active control background colour change

I have a requirement to change the background colour of the active control (to make it easier to identify where the cursor is). I've tried using a style with a trigger on the IsFocused property but I'm not having any luck at all; it doesn't seem to fire. A XAML solution is most preferred. Any ideas? ...

How to get the dispatched route name in Zend framework ?

Current state: A router is loaded from xml file two route name within the router are going to the same controller and action, for example: www-language-employee and www-language-trainer are going to the same controller and action --> EmployeeController & listemployeeAction Problem: - Need to know which route name is dispatched/being ...

How to make my Pocket PC stay on till my application has finished?

I've got an application that presents the user with ongoing status for roughly 15 minutes. What I want to do is make it so the unit will not power off during this time (because the wifi goes down and the status stops :( ) I'd assume the system is capable of doing this gracefully because I can watch a whole episode of Dilbert (22min) wit...

Get Filename of the Current Active Window

I am trying to get the filename of a word document or any other window for that matter while some dialog box like Save as or Open or Print etc. is open. Can anybody give me an example of how to implement this in C#. Thanks! Saurabh ...

What does Java Error "Your active platform is: JDK_1.6, but the corresponding property "platforms.JDK_1.6.home" is not found in the project's properties files" mean?

I'm a Java noob (but have been programming for 25+ years, and have worked with OO languages from day 1). All of a sudden I started getting this error: Your active platform is: JDK_1.6, but the corresponding property "platforms.JDK_1.6.home" is not found in the project's properties files. Not sure what caused this condition, and not s...