
jquery hasClass "active" on ul#navigation li on page load not working

$(document).ready(function(){ $("li").click(function(){ if ($(this).hasClass("active") ) $(this).fadeTo("slow", 1.0); }); }); I have a navigation bar made and am using this code to add a transparency effect on hover: $(document).ready(function(){ $(".thumbs").fadeTo("slow", 0.6); $(".thumbs").hover(function(...

[jQuery UI - Accordion] Styling active header?

Hi, Simple issue: I am using Accordion without any UI themes (just barebones, using my own CSS). So far, so good, except that I cannot figure out how to set an "active" style for the currently selected header. The jQuery code: $("#menu").accordion({ event:"mouseover",header:"" }); The HTML code: <a href="#" class="top">XXX1</...

addClass to Parent

HTML: <div class="tabbed-section"> <ul class="tabs"> <li><a href="#tab-1">Tab 1</a><li> <li><a href="#tab-2">Tab 2</a><li> </ul> <div id="tab-1" class="panel"> content 1 </div> <div id="tab-2" class="panel"> content 2 </div> </div> jQuery: $('.tabbed-section .panel').hide();...

Cufon making active tab in the same colour of other tabs on load in firefox

Hi. We have a tabbed navigation with an "active" class for the active tab. <ol class="subnavTabs"> <li class="active"> <a class="ShowInfo" href="#ShowInfo">Show Info </a> </li> <li> <a class="Reviews" href="#Reviews">Reviews </a> </li> </ol> and the Javascript funct...

C# get information about current active window

Hi SO. I have an application which i want to run in the background. I want to get the executable name, for an example IExplorer.exe. I have played around with the following code: [DllImport("user32.dll")] private static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow(); [DllImport("user32.dll")] private static extern int GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, ...

Android: Keep GPS active

Hi i'm having a main activity that runs a gps listener. If i'm starting a new activity the listener is destroyed. I need the gps to be still activated, also after starting the 2nd activity. Do i have to implement an own listener there, or is there another solution? thx ...

Can Rails Active Record understand two simultaneous relationships between two tables at once?

I have two tables, users and groups. A user can belong to many groups. A group can have many users. So I have created a have_and_belongs_to_many relationship between users and groups using a join table, groups_users. This all works as expected. What I would also like to do is specify an ACTIVE group for each user. Were it not for the h...

Codeigniter - handling errors when using active record

Hi There, I am putting together a few models for my codeigniter site and can't seem to find any word in the documentation of how to handle errors that could occur when using the Active Record system. The documentation demonstrates how to perform CRUD along with some relatively involved queries but no where along the line is error handli...

LDAP: using a filter to avoid a sub CN in Active Directory

I am trying to query nearly all users in Active Directory. My normal users are in various OUs, and I want to retrieve those. But my system users are stored in the Users CN, and I don't want to retrieve those. It looks a lot like another question, but their answer didn't help me. I'm using the hint provided here, but its not helping out ...

JNDI Add Users to Groups with ADS

We have been trying to add users to groups using JNDI. Our directory server is Active Directory on Windows 2003. We were able to create users and groups just fine. However, making these users part of any group is a problem. Here is what the code looks like (inspired by this): ModificationItem mod[] = new ModificationItem[1]; mod[0] = n...

How to get list of groups the user is associated with in Azman?

Hi, I'm able to get the roles associated with the authenticated user but not the groups. Is there a way to get the groups WindowsIdentity userIdentity = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity as WindowsIdentity; AzAuthorizationStoreClass azManStore = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass(); string storeConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.Conn...

catch method name of controller

i have master mage, in bottom i have such menu <div class="footMenu"> <ul> <li class="active"><a href="">test1</a> </li> <li><a href="">test2</a></li> <li><a href="">test3</a></li> </ul> </div> so in depends of view load a need to put class...

Ruby, text parsed from XML feed with Nokogiri having encoding issues on display through PHP

I'm grabbing an XML feed that claims to be <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> with Nokogiri and inserting the text into mysql with activerecord (OUTSIDE of rails). Using HTMLEntities to decode. Here is an example (&#147;LON: SDM&#148;) I can't seem to handle some of these html special characters properly. When redisplaying...

Java library for capturing active window screenshot

Hi, is there any free and open source java library for capturing active window screenshot? I want to use it to capture any active window, not only SWING windows. Thanks. ...

Building Active Record Conditions in an array - private method 'scan' called error

Hi, I'm attempting to build a set of conditions dynamically using an array as suggested in the first answer here: However I seem to be doing something incorrectly and I'm not sure if what I'm trying is fundamentally unsound or if I...

Create Active Directory schema into OpenLDAP

Hi Friends, I need to store Active Directory Data into OpenLDAP and for that I want to create the Active Directory schema into OpenLDAP. How to do it? ...

Force active directory update through c#

I am using the following code to authenticate a user using Active Directory. But when I disable a user from AD, the change is not immediately reflected and the authentication still succeeds for some time after the disable. Can I force active directory updates through code? Thanks DirectoryEntry entry = null; try { entry = new Direct...

How to get rid of jquery accordion "Default:first child"?

By default first child is shown always in jquery accordion .... How to get rid of active default value which is active on document.ready function such that none of the child shows up...... I am using $(document).ready(function() { $(".selector").accordion({ active: \\ how to set active none here }); }); Any suggestion... ...

Controllling Drupal's active/active-trail with duplicate menu items

I'm developing a site that requires some duplication of links within the menu: Section A -- Introduction -- Testimonials Section B -- Introduction -- Testimonials Testimonials -- Section A -- Section B So 'Section A > Testimonials' and 'Testimonials > Section A' point to the same node. But regardless of w...

wcf and windows authentication

I like to use wcf (windows communication foundation) with windows authentication. Do I need Active directory for this purpose? How the server knows about the identity of the client? If someone can found out the pass of the client that is using the wcf services, can he create the same user name on different computer and use the passwor...