
Authenticating in one Domain and querying users from another in Java

Is it possible to authenticate users in Active Directory Server A, and then search for users in Active Directory Server B using java? These servers are configured to be 2-way trusted. The above code fails. I can authenticate in server A perfectly fine, but when I start searching for users in B, it returns nothing Hashtable<String, ...

How To get currently logged in Active directory user name in C#

I want to get currently logged in active directory user name/details. Here, User does log in to machine with its AD username and password. How can i get this user name and other details in Global.asax file for Application_AuthenticateRequest() Event. I have used System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name But, when i...

How to get direct Reports from Active Directory

It was previously asked but I won't include it for me. Here is the code I'm using to include users from active directory to MS sharepoint: private static Collection GetDirectReportsInternal(string ldapBase, string userDN, out long elapsedTime) { Collection result = new Collection(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); str...