
jQuery: hoverIntent and graphical effects -> drastic browser performance

I am working on a webpage that has a main menu, and a submenu that will hold different content for every button in the main menu. To keep the submenu open while hovering over it, I am using a combination of hoverIntent, hover, and a state variable: $.hovering: $(function() { $.hovering = false; $("div.button").hoverIntent( fun...

JQuery: Why is hoverIntent not a function here?

I'm modifying some code from a question asked a few months ago, and I keep getting stymied. The bottom line is, I hover over Anchors, which is meant to fade in corresponding divs and also apply a "highlight" class to the Anchor. I can use base JQuery and get "OK" results, but mouse events are making the user experience less than smooth. ...

cfg.hover error with jQuery hoverIntent plugin

I am attempting to use the hoverIntent plugin to delay some animation effects on progress bars. However, for some reason hoverIntent doesn't seem to be functioning at all. I have the following in my page header (all paths have been verified): <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery....

jQuery Tools tooltip to use event special hover

Does anyone know how to modify jquery tools tooltip: http://flowplayer.org/tools/tooltip.html to use event special hover: http://blog.threedubmedia.com/2008/08/eventspecialhover.html jQuery tools tooltip doesn't rely on hover method, so just loading the plugin is insufficient. Source for event hover: http://threedubmedia.googlecode.c...

Delay with hoverintent

var config = { sensitivity: 3, interval: 5000, timeout: 5000, }; $("#cart-summary").hoverIntent(function () { $('.flycart').slideDown('fast'); }, function() { $('.flycart').slideUp('fast'); }).find('a.close').click(function(){ $(this).parents('.flycart').hide(); }); ...this works, but...

jquery hasClass "active" on ul#navigation li on page load not working

$(document).ready(function(){ $("li").click(function(){ if ($(this).hasClass("active") ) $(this).fadeTo("slow", 1.0); }); }); I have a navigation bar made and am using this code to add a transparency effect on hover: $(document).ready(function(){ $(".thumbs").fadeTo("slow", 0.6); $(".thumbs").hover(function(...

MVC, jquery, hoverIntent, Error: Object doesn't support this property or method

I am having one heck of a time with hoverIntent. I keep getting "Error: Object doesn't support this property or method" popping up. If I change .hoverIntent to .hover, it "works". I've tried the regular file and the minified file and neither work. I downloaded them from here I only have 2 scripts on the page. (this is in the MVC ma...

jQuery scrollIntent, similar to hoverIntent

I am looking for a function similar to hoverIntent, but for scrolling. I have a function that moves the sidebar to stay put while scrolling. They thing is, the moving/calculations take place really close together, causing the "always visible" box to flicker while scrolling. I am looking an invent that fires only when it is very likely th...

hoverIntent triggers 'out' function on select element.

The code that follows is used for showing and hiding Mega Dropdowns. If you mouse-over a link with the class of 'dropDown', it's child '.dropPanel' shows. As long as your mouse is over either the link or the drop panel, the drop panel remains shown. Move the cursor anywhere but the link or the panel, and the panel is hidden. Pretty basic...

jquery hoverIntent and keyboard triggering on focus

I'm using the popular hoverIntent jQuery plugin for a drop down mega-menu. http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.html I'm attaching it to list items: $myMenuOfLIs .hoverIntent(megaConfig) This works as intended: If I mouse over the LI, hoverIntent is triggered and shows the menu. Each LI also has an anchor tag ...

Plugging in jQuery HoverIntent for Sliding Panel

I have the following code running to create a dropdown accordion that reveals the hidden div "#top_mailing_hidden" when the div "#top_mailing" is hovered. The problem is that when I interrupt the animation by mousing Out and then mousing Over again it aborts the animation and screws up. I have the following code: //Top Mailing List Dr...

Does the jQuery hoverIntent plugin work in Internet Explorer?

Is the hoverIntent plugin compatible with Internet Explorer? I'm having trouble plugging it into the following JavaScript: if (jQuery.browser.msie === true) { jQuery('#top_mailing') .bind("mouseenter",function(){ $("#top_mailing_hidden").stop().slideDown('slow'); }) .bind("mouseleave",function(){ $("#top_mailin...

Replacing MouseOver with .hoverIntent

First off I apologize... I have posted this question before but I did a bad job of explaining it. I'm having trouble plugging hoverIntent into the following JavaScript... I need it to replace the "mouseenter" and "mouseleave" functions below. Just to be clear, I'm asking for help because I'm not very good with javaScript syntax. The s...

JQUERY hover dropdown with hoverIntent

Hello, I am creating a dropdown that slides down when hovered over. This is some code that I had. I want to use HoverIntent to accomplish this goal. .menu_img is the class on the image that is hovered over to start the slide down of the list .page_nav is the class on the list that slides down when .menu_img is hovered over. $(docu...

jQuery MegaMenu hover setTime out/hoverIntent problem.

I am trying to put a jQ MegaMenu on a my web page. I used Geek Tantra's plugin (http://www.geektantra.com/2009/09/jquery-mega-menu/) and did some minor changes from there. Problems - the menu is in the middle of the screen - so I need to users to be able to pass the mouse thru the nav menu wihtout activating the menus. I tried to use...

jQuery hoverIntent not working, but hover does

I have the following code: $(document).ready(function(){ $(".yearInner").hide(); $(".year", this).hover( function () { $(".yearInner", this).slideToggle(); } ); }); It hides the div with class yearInner, and then when the containing div with class year is hovered over, the yearInner div toggle...

jQuery hover with setTimeout (opposite to hoverIntent)

Hi, I have a set of images that for each one I would like to rollover and flicker to a different image for half a second or so, then revert back to the original image, even if the mouse is still over the image (ie there's no mouseout) setTimeout was suggested but I can't figure out how to use it properly. http://thepool.ie/rollover/ ...

CSS menu is flickering when scrolling through it with hover effects

I hope i described the problem well!? You can see it here: http://dealmob.de/index_dev.html when u hover over the menu up and down fast u see the that its not staying, insteads its flickering like you would change the margins/paddings by few pixels. Any advice on how to solve this problem? thanks a lot like requested: #topc...

Need to add hover intent?

Hi all, I'm really stuck. Basically i'm totally new to jquery, but need to add some kind of timer on mousover so that the page doesn't get messed up if the mouse goes all over the page. here's my script.. anyway i can easily implement it? <script> jQuery('cc').mouseover(function () { $("squareleft3").hide(); $("twitter").hide(); $...

jQuery simplifying code (beginner)

I'm getting to grips with jQuery but find myself repeating code over and over again... Surely there's a simpler way to write this: $('#more-mcr, #more-hilton, #more-lpool').hide(); $('#mcr-hatters').hoverIntent(function() { $('#mcr-hilton').stop().animate({opacity: 0.4}); $('#more-mcr').fa...